Hold the fireworks! Independence Day 2016 comes with an asterisk and fine print. On Monday, July 4, the annual new moon in cozy Cancer will put everyone in a slow-jamming, sentimental groove. Under these intimate skies, we may be reluctant to venture too far from our nests — or the safe bubble of our familiars. Enjoy that friends-and-family plan, but don't miss out on the celebratory action. Cancer is a water sign, a foodie, and an arts appreciator. Pack a gourmet picnic and head to the beach with your squad. Or get all Top Chef with a barbecue menu, push back the furniture, and have a dance party in your living room. Don't feel like entertaining? Hit the house-party circuit — especially if friends have a deck with access to the local pyrotechnics display. What matters most is that you're with the ones you love.
On Wednesday, cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars — the Bey and Jay of the solar system — get in a powerful formation: a 120-degree angle called a trine. This is a pretty rare occurrence. When it happens, it's all hearts and feels. Paddle away from the superficial end of the pond. Both planets are in soulful, intimate water signs, which means it's time to go deep. With Venus in Cancer, talks could turn to cohabitation, meeting the parents, or making babies. Mars is in seductive, alchemical Scorpio, stoking the flames of desire while intensifying the urge to merge. Attractions that are sparked this week could become permanent pretty quickly while existing relationships could go next-level before the week is through.

June 21 to July 22
Let freedom ring! This Monday, the Fourth marks 2016's only new moon in Cancer — a day that is basically your astrological New Year. Before you meet friends for a day at the beach, take time to write a personal wish list. What would you like to accomplish by the corresponding Cancer full moon in January 2017? (You might even turn this into a vision board later in the week.) If you've been dwelling on drama, shake it off! You may need to cut ties with toxic people or bolt from a situation that's just draining your energy. It's not cruel, Cancer; it's self-protective. But you can also make a graceful exit if you've merely outgrown circumstances. Start training someone to take your place while you explore and expand into new opportunities.
On Wednesday, Cupid has a quiver full of arrows trained right on you. With cosmic lovebirds Mars and Venus dancing into a lucky triangle, you're the one with all the roses. Save your final stem for someone who appreciates full-throttle Cancer — not the "nice" or tame version of yourself. If your mojo's been in slow-mo, consider this your planetary reboot. At work, you'll draw attention for your creative thinking, so don't keep those out-of-the-box ideas to yourself. But DO make sure to stamp your name on those brilliant gems. This is your intellectual property, Cancer, and you need to make sure that no one else claims it.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

July 23 to August 22
Liberate yourself from bad circumstances and celebrate your independence from other people's drama. This Monday, the Fourth of July, a new moon in Cancer and your 12th house of transitions can spring you free from self-imposed restraints. While you don't want to abandon anyone, toughing it out because you want to be "understanding" or "a good friend" could be costing you your sanity. Time to strap on your own oxygen mask (and maybe listen to Sarah Knight's The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck on audiobook during your morning commutes). Serenity may also lie in doing less for others and more to take care of yourself. Start Monday: Did you commit to bringing homemade desserts to three different parties or volunteer your apartment for a fireworks pre-party when you have zero desire to entertain (or clean)? It's okay to pick up a pie from the grocery store, cancel on two of your three plans, and choose a different destination to meet. Downshift. Meditate. Chill. Then, don't be surprised if the muse comes a-knocking with some insane creative inspiration.
Warm, fuzzy vibes are restored on Wednesday, when cosmic canoodlers Venus and Mars flow into an auspicious formation in the most sentimental zones of your chart. You could meet someone who just melts your heart — a lucky Tinder date, an amazing female friend, even a mentor who wants to take you under their wing. If you're in a relationship, make time to nest. Spending time in is how you'll reconnect in the second half of the week. Shut out the rest of the world for a while and enjoy the company of your favorite person. Or, host a slumber party for your friends where you can catch up without worrying about the walls having ears.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

August 23 to September 22
New you, new crew? This Fourth of July, a new moon in your 11th house of community could set you free from the confines of a clique. It's not that you have to ditch old friends. But if they're forever insisting on a closed guest list, you might need to take a stand for a more open-door policy. Or branch out for yourself. No guilt if you want to tag along with a new acquaintance for a backyard barbecue or rooftop fireworks jam. This new moon also governs technology. Update your digital devices and apps; give your online profiles a refresh. If it's time to build your own website or start shooting vids for your YouTube channel, this new moon brings sweet inspiration. Just be careful what you put in email near the weekend. The last thing you need is someone using your words against you or waging a Hillary Clinton-style attack on your company account.
On Wednesday, cosmic co-pilots Mars and Venus flow into an easygoing trine (120-degree angle), boosting your popularity even further. Do you have a message to get out to the world? It won't be hard to find your platform. This is a stellar day for pitching, presenting, or performing. Socially, you could break the ice with a great new group — and even find love at an extracurricular hang. Stay on the dating apps, because this Mars-Venus matchup could bring a fortuitous right swipe or a golden introduction via mutual friends.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

September 23 to October 22
Goals, goals, goals! On Monday, the new moon in Cancer sets a six-month cycle in motion that is all about success. Is it time to liberate yourself from the confines of the conventional office and give a coworking space a go? Or maybe, you need to move on up from the assistant's desk to a more executive position. Rome wasn't built in a day, but you can still get this party started, Libra. You have until the corresponding full moon in January to manifest this professional momentum. You might even want to work with a coach or advisor who can guide you through the rat race. You've got this, Libra!
On Wednesday, your ruling planet, Venus, dances into a lucky triangle with her companion, Mars. Love is in the air and the future is on your mind. Suddenly, your go-with-the-flow sign may be craving more security and certainty in this field. Don't shy away from talks about the future, because you can get your point across without feeling needy — or worse, boxing yourself in to something you're not even sure you want. Something's gotta give, though. Single Libras could meet a solid choice this week. While you might not be immediately swept off your statement sandals, don't race off. This person's enduring qualities can capture your heart in a short time.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

October 23 to November 21
Cannes, Croatia, the Carolina coast? Summer vacation plans are at the top of your agenda this week, thanks to Monday's new moon in Cancer and your worldly ninth house. Where will you drop your next pin? A spontaneous getaway could even crop up on the Fourth of July, so if you have some vacation days to take, you might even use them this week. If you can't take off on a 747, how about hosting a friend from afar? Cross-cultural connections could heat up for love this week, too — especially on Wednesday, when cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars swipe right for each other in a big way. If you're in a relationship, travel with your sweetie. You might even sign up for a couples' workshop (in Hawaii?), so you can expand in an emotional way, too.
Got designs on being your own boss or working in an office without walls? The entrepreneurial bug will bite this week, so start exploring ways you can work more independently. Even if you can't bear to give up the security of your 9-to-5, you might try being more "intrapreneurial" by spearheading initiatives or maybe taking over the company's social media efforts. (Just don't play it like Broad City 's Ilana…) A kitchen-table business you start as a side gig now could even become profitable enough to be a full time thing six months from now. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

November 22 to December 21
Fireworks are happening this Fourth of July, Sagittarius. But the most dynamic pyrotechnics display could take place in your bedroom (or beach cottage or two-person tent). With Monday's new moon in Cancer and your erotic eighth house, your mojo is certainly rising. But there's nothing superficial about these seductive vibes. You need trust along with the lust, so before any denim shorts drop to the floor, make sure you have a solid sense about who the other person is. Since this is a new moon, it's a starting point. Willpower is your best friend here. Let things build up: You can still fool around and enjoy some pillow talk without taking it all the way home.
Existing relationships could intensify big time, too. Talks could turn to bigger topics like proposals, moving in together, or opening up a joint checking account. But if you've been harboring resentment or feeling less than secure in the relationship, you need to address that, too. Wednesday is an easier day for having difficult talks, because diplomatic Venus and fierce Mars will be in compassionate cahoots. There are two sides to every story, so before you fling accusations — at your love interest, a friend, or whoever's been pissing you off — try asking questions. That said, it's important to let your boundaries be known, too. Just because you can understand where someone is coming from, doesn't mean you have to put up with their behavior. If it's time to deliver an ultimatum, do so. This will either resolve or dissolve by the weekend, but at least you'll know the real deal!
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

December 22 to January 19
Like Capricorn Calvin Harris, you'd like to "feel so close" to someone you adore. And with the Fourth's new moon in Cancer activating your seventh house of relationships, that is hardly a distant dream. Consider Monday the beginning of a fresh, six-month cycle in your love life. Have you been hanging on to a shitty boyfriend or girlfriend? This doesn't have to be your future, Capricorn. Wipe the slate clean of bad romances and open yourself up to someone who can go the distance. While they might not be the hottest or flashiest person in the room, their slow-burning heat will keep you warmer for a much longer time. Let the connection evolve organically. If it's meant to last, what's the rush? Same's true for other types of partnerships. This week could bring the perfect bandmate, creative collaborator, or business alliance.
Already attached? Time to talk "next steps" with bae. Atmosphere is everything, so slip off for a Fourth of July hike or camping trip (or glamping getaway) where you're both relaxed enough to talk about The Future. On Wednesday, cosmic couple Venus and Mars serve some more magic. No subject should be left off the table — especially since Mars is in your 11th house of hopes and dreams. Paint a picture of the ideal relationship you'd love to share. This will be far more inspiring than harping on what isn't working now.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

January 20 to February 18
Beach volleyball tournament, anyone? This Monday, the Fourth of July, the annual new moon in Cancer activates your sixth house of healthy living. Inconveniently timed for a hedonistic holiday? Sure, have your wine slushie, your burger with all the fixings, and your day of lounging on the beach. Then, switch it up, nourishing your bod with rainbow bowls and adding more movement into your daily plan. A Fitbit could become your favorite summer accessory. Since Cancer governs your squad, enlist your friends in this wellness mission, too. Get active together, planning bike rides, yoga in the park, vegan potlucks, and epic nights of dancing. You'll be a radiant bunch, for sure.
On Wednesday, cosmic co-pilots Venus and Mars align auspiciously in your career zones, setting you on a trajectory for success. This personable planetary formation reminds you of the importance of building solid relationships in your business life. Put a few power lunches on the calendar and do some online networking. Joining an industry Facebook group, for example, could spawn some rewarding (and profitable) connections, especially once you add your sage-and-witty commentary to the threads. If you're still green around the gills, humble thyself and work alongside a master. Even if the monetary compensation is weak, the insider's view will be priceless.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

February 19 to March 20
Pisces, you're a firework! On Monday, the Fourth of July, the new moon in Cancer sets off vivid magic in your fifth house of fame, flamboyance, and true love. You'll command attention wherever you go, so use this power to direct people towards the things you want them to see: Your creative talents, latest offerings, or why you'd make such an amazing S.O. This new moon is the start of a fresh six-month cycle, so pay attention to the people you meet while you're working the barbecue circuit. A lively conversation could evolve into bigger ideas, like starting a band together, hanging your artwork in someone's gallery space, or more amorous possibilities. Is your message getting lost is translation? Consider bringing in some pro-level consult this week: stylists, branding experts, and graphic designers. If your budget is too tight for a one-on-one, watch online tutorials and then give it a DIY whirl.
Temperatures heat up on Wednesday, too, when love planets Venus and Mars sync up in a lucky triangle formation. Cupid's arrows could direct you towards someone from a different country or cultural background. If you're in a relationship, get your summer travel plans in motion — or use those vacation days and extend your holiday through Hump Day. A weekend camping getaway or road trip would be fun, too...it's all about the change of scenery. Forget what you heard about Pisces being passive. This Mars-Venus trine will reward you for taking the lead. Make. Your. Move.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

March 21 to April 19
Does your nest feel blessed? This Monday, the Fourth of July, you could spend half the day on a deep-cleaning mission — or surfing real estate listings to find a dreamier place to hang your fedora. Something about your living situation could use an upgrade, even if you're just changing out the bedding or painting a boring white wall Aries red. If you can't bear the thought of being home on Independence Day, celebrate with a tight-knit group. A getaway with the GFs or a visit with your most nurturing relative will restore you. These moonbeams could help you reconcile a rocky relationship with someone in your family or friend circle, too. Drop the grudge either way, because it's hurting you more than anyone.
Midweek, a sultry alignment of Mars and Venus sets the stage for some serious chemistry. You could meet someone who gives you butterflies in that mind-body-soul kind of way. Surprise! You might even meet through a family member or close friend's introduction. If you're in a relationship, don't shy away from heavier topics, like your shared future, joint finances, even family planning. Keep a privacy policy in place: Certain topics should be kept between the two of you — and discussing them with outside parties (especially gossipy or nosy ones) could actually do some damage to your bond.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

April 20 to May 20
Keep your friends close and your frenemies far away. This Monday, the Fourth of July, the new moon in Cancer and your third house of amigos reboots your social life. Feel free to pull a #Trexit (Taurus exit) if you've outgrown a certain squad. There are only 24 hours in a day and you need to spend them with people who give you life. Kindred spirits — possibly one with BFF potential —could pop up while you're feting the Fourth. Keep the Audio Memos app open, too. Brilliant ideas could pop into your head near this new moon: band names, podcast ideas, even a business venture you could start as a side gig. If you're a writer or media-maker, this new moon is your prompt to get a new project underway. You could have a hit on your hands by the corresponding full moon in early January.
On Wednesday, your ruling planet Venus gets into a lucky groove with her cosmic companion Mars. There could be huge developments in your love life midweek. With Venus in your third house of friendship a romance could emerge with someone from the friend zone. If you're in a relationship, dial down the intensity and be your bae's best friend. Instead of stressing about the future, make the present moment as memorable as you can. Laid-back adventures — think: road trips, festivals, karaoke nights, dive-bar hopping — are the strongest glue now.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.

May 21 to June 20
Tired of having a boss breathing down your neck — or getting underpaid for your hustle? Financial freedom is in your crosshairs this week, Gemini, thanks to Monday's new moon in Cancer and your second house of income. Even if you do love your 9-to-5, there's always room for growth. This new moon is the start of a prosperity-boosting six-month cycle. Look ahead: If you want to leap into a new league, where do you see a gap in your skill set? Invest in specialized training, webinars, and tutorials; or figure out a way to work alongside a pro (even as an intern or part-time apprentice) so you can learn the insiders' tools of the trade. Job offers may already flow in, but don't be shy about pitching ideas yourself. Get creative, too: You might offer the barter system or do a work-study to cover costs of a class.
On Wednesday, cosmic lovebirds Venus and Mars get you thinking about your romantic goals, too. While you don't want to break out some crazy-extensive laundry list, it wouldn't hurt to have a general idea of the qualities you're searching for in a mate — or where you'd like to be with bae a year from now. Let yourself dream, then run it through a reality filter. Nothing wrong with wanting a T-Swift and Tom Hiddleston European love-fest. But if the object of your affections is still young and entry-level, you might have to save up for a single-leg journey that you take together later in the year. Magic moments can be created anywhere, Gemini — but a surefire way to kill them (or to miss out on a great catch) is to compare your love life to a celebrity's Instagram account. When you've made your right swipe, tuck your phone in your bag and be present with your dates.
Illustrated by John LislePhotographed by Christine Hahn.
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