Uh-oh, Justin Bieber. He's made so much progress in the past year in convincing us he's #sorry for all his bad behavior. But a clip from Friday's concert in Atlantic City, NJ, might be showing a crack in his reformed façade — or a few minutes of irritation in the midst of a long world tour. The singer was in the middle of one of his heartfelt speeches to the audience about what the meaning of the Purpose Tour really is — something about having purpose? Then, it seems, a fan in the front row tried to give him a hat, as fans do.
"If we could take this moment to listen and try not to give me a hat or whatever you're trying to throw onstage right now, because I probably don't want that shit," he says, interrupting his own speech (which comes to us from Teen Vogue). "Sorry, that was mean. I was deep in a mode, in a zone, and now I'm out of it. I'll get it back...I just wanted to take this moment to acknowledge the fact that we all have a purpose."
Well, at least he did acknowledge his rudeness. If you're going to go all Kanye West on your fans, though, you need to follow through with an even bigger statement. Maybe something about milk, for instance?
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