Election Day lasts just one day — a 24-hour culmination of the seemingly never-ending campaign season.
But we’ll spend the next two, four, six years living with the choices we make as a country this November 8. And the decisions made during that time by the people we elect to the White House, Congress, and state and local offices will impact all of our lives for decades to come.
We're talking everything from student-loan rates to tampon taxes to our safety as a nation.
All the more reason to prep like you haven’t done since your last set of finals.
At Refinery29, our party is women. We want to see you claim your own power in the political system — no matter if you identify as Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, or none of the above.
That’s why for the 100 days leading up to November 8, we’ll be throwing up a new challenge each day to help you get informed, involved, and excited to take action on the issues that are most important to you, personally. Hopefully, you'll even have some fun while you're at it.
Democracy isn’t something that just happens — it’s something that we do. And it gives us all the power to shape our collective future. As President John F. Kennedy so perfectly put it, "One person can make a difference, but everyone should try."
So, check back each day to find out a new, easy way to be involved in the first election of the rest of your life. We know you're busy, so we promise these won't be huge time-sucks. In fact, most of the challenges will take you just a few minutes to complete.
And use the hashtag #VYV100 to share your progress and your own ideas along the way. After all, a party — political or otherwise — is no fun if it’s only you.

Day 1
First things first: You can't cast a ballot unless you're registered to vote.
Yes, we know the election is still three-plus months away. Technically, you have plenty of time to make sure that voter registration is completed and up-to-date.
But why put it off when you can get your registration sorted out in less time than it takes to choose the perfect filter for your next snap?
If you're not sure of your status — or, whether you are registered at your current address — you can check it out using CanIVote.org's handy lookup tool. It took one R29 reporter just 18 seconds start to finish to confirm that hers was valid and up-to-date.
If you aren't registered yet, we have options for you! You can download a form at CanIVote.org, or find out whether your state is one of 31 (plus Washington, D.C.!) that will let you do the whole thing online.
Rock the Vote is another great resource that makes registering to vote a super-quick and painless process.
So, whether it's over breakfast, during your lunch break, or paired with a glass of rosé tonight, take a few minutes to cross this vital task off your to-do list.
At the very least, it's one less thing to worry about for the next 100 days.
Illustrated by: Elliot Salazar.
Day 2
By now, you're probably pretty familiar with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. They've each been (officially) running for president for well over a year.
But the two candidates for the White House's No. 2 gig have been at it for less than a month.
So, who are the respective VP picks, Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Tim Kaine?
TL;DR: Both are white dudes in their 50s who have been in politics for a looong time.
If you're looking (and we hope you are) for a bit more background, we've broken down the things you'll want to know about each vice presidential hopeful.
Click the links below to get to know the candidates in less time than it takes to watch this montage of the best Veep insults.
Need An Introduction To Mike Pence? We Have You Covered
4 Things You Need To Know Abot Tim Kaine
Illustrated by: Elliot Salazar.Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?
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