We were all confused. More on the debate's winners and losers: http://wapo.st/1SVsqqG
Posted by Washington Post on Saturday, February 6, 2016
Last night, Republican presidential hopefuls faced off in their last debate before the New Hampshire primary. There were fiery exchanges over everything from women signing up for the military draft to the leadership credentials of Senator Marco Rubio.
But it's the introduction of the ABC News debate that's left many viewers scratching their heads in confusion.
When the moderator introduced the candidates, New Jersey governor Chris Christie came out when his name was called. Dr. Ben Carson, however, seemingly missed his cue. He had to be welcomed to the stage twice as the camera awkwardly panned across his confused face.
It only got worse from there.
Texas Senator Ted Cruz came out on cue, which apparently confused Carson. So, he let Cruz pass him as the stage manager whispered, "Go, go, go."
The circus didn't end there.
Donald Trump didn't appear at all when his name was announced. It left some room to question if he'd ditched this debate, too. Finally, The Donald came out as the moderators brought Senator Marco Rubio to the stage.
He passed both Trump and Carson and chuckled heartily. Was he in on a joke we aren't aware of?
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush comes to the stage next. He hits Trump on the arm as he passes and then offers a shrug and grin, as if he's wanted to do that for quite some time.
Meanwhile, Trump and Carson are still standing waiting for an intro...one that's already come and gone.
Ohio Governor John Kasich also joins the fray when he doesn't appear when he called.
All three politicians eventually make their way onstage after almost two minutes of confusion. This begs the question: Did the candidates not rehearse when to come out for a nationally televised debate? That's how it seemed.
It was an amusing opening to a crazy, insult-driven debate.
By the way, botched intros should definitely become a thing in debates moving forward, if for nothing else than to test for candidates' hearing.
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