"The world is gonna respect us again. Believe me." Trump continued. "We're going to make great trade deals. We're going to rebuild our military...Nobody is gonna mess with us," he said. "We're repealing and replacing Obamacare. We're getting rid of Common Core. We'll educate our children locally."
Echoing sentiments more typical of Senator Sanders than any Republican candidate, Trump complained of financial corruption in the political process, pointing out that he has financed his campaign himself. He wrapped up with incisive words on gun control: "We're going to preserve our very sacred Second Amendment. If we had protection in California recently, and so many other places — France has the toughest gun laws in the world. These animals go in, they start shooting, one, two, three, 130 people...If there were bullets going in the other direction, believe me, it would've been a whole different story, folks."
He went on to congratulate Hillary Clinton, expressing his hopes that they will continue to wage an "issues-oriented campaign" and bring new voters into the political process.
"The people of New Hampshire have sent a profound message to the political establishment...and, by the way, to the media," Sanders added.
With 29% of precincts reporting, Ohio Governor John Kasich holds the runner-up spot in the Republican primary with 15.4% of the vote. Florida governor Jeb Bush and Iowa caucus victor Ted Cruz remained in a virtual tie at 11.6% of the vote.
The New Hampshire primaries, much like the Iowa caucuses, are important mostly for their status as early indicators of candidate performance. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been fighting it out for a clear win after tight results in Iowa. Last week, some caucus organizers had to flip a coin to break ties (though not to pick a candidate). Within the GOP, several candidates, including Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, are jockeying to displace the current frontrunner, Donald Trump.
Candidates have been investing heavily in the state in hopes of seeing results at the polls. Local TV station NECN kept track of the stops in and visits to New Hampshire made by every candidate. According to its findings, some stopped as many as 200 times — a huge investment considering New Hampshire has just four electoral college votes come November 8.
Results have yet to be announced, but predictions are already rolling in. Statistics crunchers at website FiveThirtyEight favored Sanders and Trump as winning their respective races. The site gave Trump 68% favorability on the GOP side, and gave Sanders a walloping 99% chance of winning the state’s Democratic primary.
NPR reports that Dixville Notch, a town that saw just nine voters cast their ballots this morning, has had the distinction of predicting every Republican nominee since 1968. Dixville Notch residents favored Ohio Gov. John Kasich, while its neighbor Millsfield, another tiny town that continues a tradition of voting just after midnight, preferred Cruz.
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