United we stand, divided we fall. But that doesn't mean we have to meld into some homogenous mass. This Tuesday, the new moon in global Sagittarius reminds us to celebrate diversity and the independent spirit. We truly are stronger together. Bring more honesty to dialogues this week. We all hold certain truths to be self-evident, but if the 2016 election proved anything, it's that there's just no telling how other people think. The philosophical new moon can create the space for curiosity. Ask questions instead of making assumptions. Only in the space of a real conversation can we fact-check false information that others may be quietly harboring — or get answers to our own outstanding questions.
On Friday, messenger Mercury careens into Capricorn — the sign of masculinity — until February 7. This is an extended voyage due to a retrograde from December 19 until January 8. Time to get talking to the men in your life. Wake them up to the female perspective and keep enlisting them in the fight for equal rights. There are still glass ceilings to be smashed (and we have faith that they will be). We find it interesting that the retrograde begins on the 19th — the day that the Electoral College finalizes its decision — which could upset certain patriarchal institutions bigly.

November 22 to December 21
No need to count down to NYE: You can already get that bubbly chilling, Archer. This Tuesday, 2016's only new moon in Sagittarius announces your astrological New Year. Under these electrifying skies, take time to write a wish list along with your 2017 resolutions. Heck, make a vision board while you're at it because a picture says a thousand words. There's no better time than this for planting seeds that you'd like to manifest over the coming half-year. We don’t have to remind you to dream big, Sagittarius — but make sure you’re wishing for the things YOU really want, not just the visions that other people have for your happiness.
On Friday, messenger Mercury leaves your sign after blessing you with the gift of gab since November 12. You've no doubt been an outspoken force in the post-election, post-truth madness. As Mercury moves on to Capricorn for an extended voyage until February 7, you're called to put your money where your mouth is. Fortunately, this Mercury phase brings your planning powers to the forefront. As the sign that rules publishing, you might even start a viral hashtagging campaign or a must-read feed as a means of activism. Working on a budget will be important, since this Mercury phase forces you to be more mindful with spending — especially during a retrograde from December 19 to January 8. Make a list and check it thrice before you hit the mall or do your online shopping. But don't go Scrooge on 'em either. Better to put some dough into one luxe item or "investment piece" than a fistful of stocking stuffers.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

December 22 to January 19
Don ye now the rubber gloves, Capricorn. This Tuesday, a new moon sails through your 12th house of completions, helping you tie up loose ends before 2016 is through. After all, you certainly don't need to drag any baggage into 2017 — physically or emotionally. Clean out your closets, donating items to charity or selling the haul online for some holiday gift-shopping moolah. Then, do a sweep of your social media, blocking frenemies and removing annoying people from your visible feeds. This new moon could bring helpful guides your way, like mentors, coaches and consultants. Therapists, energy workers and shamans too, so don’t rule out the woo-woo — and let Santa know that you'd love to be gifted a session instead of an object that will just clutter up your closet at the end of the day.
On Friday, the gift of gab will be your blessing as expressive Mercury sails into Capricorn until February 7. When it's time to speak up — or speak out — no one will have to ask you twice. You'll be refreshingly candid now, a big departure from your reserved nature. (You might even have a list of people who you're coming for, Cap.) Use your powers of persuasion to wake up the people in your world, and get them organized around a meaningful cause. One caveat: Mercury will be retrograde from December 19 until January 8, a time best used for developing ideas behind the scenes — and only sharing them when you feel sure they're rock solid.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

January 20 to February 18
Grab the picket sign and bullhorn, Aquarius. Your activist nature gets seriously woke this Tuesday, thanks to the new moon in your "power to the people" 11th house. Rally with like-minded souls — and play the organizer role because you know better than anyone that there's strength in numbers. On a purely social level, this new moon appoints you "crew glue," so bring people together to blow off steam with some good, old-fashioned fun. You might even organize a holiday party or an Airbnb house rental for a group vacay. The 11th house rules technology, so buy yourself an early holiday present of a new laptop or digital device if you're ready for an upgrade. Make sure your sensitive data is backed up to the cloud and properly password protected. Maybe it's time to download the Signal app to encrypt your more subversive communiques.
On Friday, life takes on a surreal tone as mental Mercury slips into your dreamy, esoteric 12th house until February 7. This extra-long Mercury cycle will be great for clearing up psychic clutter. Book those therapy sessions, tarot readings, shamanic ceremonies and holistic healings. Reality just won't be your bag now. But don't lose touch completely! With Mercury turning retrograde from December 19 to January 8 you could get taken for a ride by a snake oil salesman. Get in tune with the muse with a creative project, meditation and journaling. The 12th house rules forgiveness, and while it might take until February to get there, you may be able to find a way to make peace with the relatives who voted reprehensibly, in your humble opinion.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

February 19 to March 20
Would you like another feather for your fedora, Pisces? This Tuesday, the new moon in your 10th house of ambition could set the stage for a victory dance. But new moons are often our starting blocks, and this one sets you up for a six-month cycle of success. Don't let holiday soirees distract you from your end-of-year career goals or even the projects you want to initiate for a 2017 launch. Word of a plum assignment — or a chance to ascend the ladder by filling someone else’s shoes — could pop up this week. Throw your name in the hat because you stand a good chance of landing this win. Meanwhile, clear the decks of distracting tasks by delegating and outsourcing; you need to focus on profitable missions now.
And don't forget: teamwork can make the dream work. On Friday, social Mercury glides into your collaborative 11th house for an extra-long, two-month tour. While you may have to share some of the glory, you won't mind if you're working alongside other talented people. With Mercury spinning retrograde from December 19 to January 8, you might even reunite with a group from your past. Socially, this Mercury cycle will send your popularity soaring, waking up your activist nature all the while. Who knows? By February 7, you could be spearheading a revolutionary movement!
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

March 21 to April 19
A change of scenery would do you good, Aries. Just in time, Tuesday's new moon in Sagittarius awakens your nomadic spirit. Think bigger than "home for the holidays." These moonbeams grease the wheels for an epic vacation — one that takes you beyond national borders, even. You don't have to leave right away; just start planning and saving up. There might even be an educational component. Think: retreats or teacher training. Enterprising Aries will get a burst of motivation near Tuesday. Start developing a business plan or looking for seed capital to fund the first steps of your venture.
Your career goals keep kicking into gear when on Friday, messenger Mercury cruises into Capricorn and your ambitious 10th house for an extra-long stay, until February 7. Although this will include a retrograde from December 19 until January 8, start making — and working towards your professional resolutions now. Before 2016 is through, you could have an impressive feather to add to your fedora. Schedule power lunches and strategically plant yourself near the boss at the office holiday party. Having friends in high places can pave the way to your own success.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

April 20 to May 20
Dive into the emotion ocean! Feelings deepen this Tuesday, thanks to a new moon energizing your intense and intimate eighth house. Although you may not act upon it immediately, chemistry will be undeniable this week and should not be ignored. Can't get a certain someone off your mind? Finagle some one-on-one time, even if you're just suggesting a casual coffee or drinks hangout. Erotically, this new moon will send your mojo rising. If you're among the many women who have election PTSD, getting in the mood's probably been rough lately. This week, start by moving your body more often. Go for walks, do exercise that feels nourishing and enlivening. As you become more comfortable in your own skin, you'll wake back up the desire to snuggle up to someone else. Already attached? These moonbeams could nudge you to the next level with your love interest. Start clearing out a section in your closet or even shopping around for a cohabitation station.
Wanderlust will hit you hard on Friday when curious Mercury decamps to your travel sector for an extra-long journey, which lasts until February 7. Start researching. What would it cost to rent a house on the beach or in the mountains with a group of friends? And how about that overseas getaway? Even if you don't have the funds or time off right now, committing to a plan and saving will make the winter fly by a lot faster. With Mercury retrograde from December 19 to January 8, don't hit the "book now" button until you've thoroughly researched all destinations and accommodations. Close to home, cross bridges instead of building walls. Your friend circle could become a lot more diverse during this Mercury cycle — even if you make a few faux pas along the way. Reach out!
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

May 21 to June 20
Lost in the couple bubble, Gemini? Tuesday's new moon in indie-spirited Sagittarius, the ruler of your relationship house, reminds you that pairing up doesn't have to mean losing your identity. Rebalance the "me" and the "we" to ensure that you have adequate time to develop your own interests while giving your S.O. enough attention to keep the embers bright. Single? This new moon could illuminate a promising prospect; one who can actually go the distance. Don't get hung up on having a type. Sagittarius is the sign of dynamic diversity and you could swoon for someone from a different culture or part of the world.
On Friday, you get another prompt to unfollow your exes and open your eyes to more suitable and available options. Your ruling planet, flirty Mercury, shimmies into Capricorn and your seductive eighth house until February 7. You're insanely enchanting now but beam those charms selectively and keep your standards high. The point of this exercise is to attract someone with whom you could fall deeply and madly in love. Already found 'em? You could get super serious this holiday season, talking about the future and making plans. Attachment alert! The green-eyed monster could be a regular guest star of this Mercury cycle. Get the facts before you start flinging accusations or acting on pure instinct — especially while Mercury is retrograde from December 19 to January 8.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

June 21 to July 22
Okay, Cancer, it's time to pull yourself out of that emotional slump. As the zodiac's empath, you've no doubt been soaking up the grief of the collective conscious for the past few weeks. (And we can't really blame you.) But this Tuesday, the new moon in Sagittarius electrifies your wellness zone, reminding you that you can still be committed to the cause without letting self-care suffer. Get back in tune with healthy eating habits and find your way to the fitness studio. Grounding in your body will empower you to plan the revolution — and also finish up your 2016 assignments at record speed so you can slip off to a surf town or a ski chalet to recharge. If you need some support staff or more pay, put in the request early next week or get an early January performance review on the calendar.
And don't forget the power of partnership. On Friday, messenger Mercury moves into your relationship house for an extra-long voyage, until February 7. Pair up with your favorite people for the win, whether you're working on a business venture, organizing an activist effort or doing Cupid's bidding. The love gods are definitely in your corner with Mercury here. But stay alert because there will be a retrograde from December 19 until January 8, which could stir up lovers' quarrels and even bring an ex back into the picture.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

July 23 to August 22
Rise, Leo, rise! This Tuesday's new moon in your fifth house of fame, glamour and leadership will push you into the public eye. Stop hiding your skills. Aren't you secretly sick of watching other people get all the credit for things you know you could do better? This new moon helps you hone your skills, your pitch and your marketing game so you can position yourself as the go-to person in the game. Maybe you'll just take charge of a mission that's floundering for direction. Whatever the case, heed the call and put your name on the map. This new moon could spur a style update — and a photo shoot, naturally. Romance is also on the rise, so open your heart and see who picks up the signals.
On Friday, clever Mercury grooves into your house of wellness, work and practical magic until February 7. Worried about breaking the bank on a holiday gifting spree? Summon your DIY magic because handmade gifts with your signature touch can be better than anything pulled straight from the shelves. Opt for labels like sustainable, locally grown, organic and cruelty-free. This Mercury phase gets you back on the healthy living wagon, so no need to wait until January to hop back on. Your bubbly personality might even enjoy this cheerleader-inspired workout. Download apps to help you organize meals and track fitness. Structure will set the stage for success.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

August 23 to September 22
Did the election divide you from family and childhood friends, Virgo? This Tuesday, the new moon in Sagittarius brings some healing balm to your closest relationships. By no means should you back down from your beliefs. But it's time to get back into dialogue with these important people — even if you're in perma-SMH mode about their ability to normalize or justify what feels like an affront to your values. New moons are like starting blocks, but you have six months to work with their magic. Extend the olive branch or plan a coffee date to get back into communication. This lunation falls in your fourth house of females. Supportive new GFs will enter the picture so get out and mingle with powerful women.
Starting Friday, Vixen will be your spirit reindeer as your ruling planet Mercury shimmies into your fifth house of passionate love. Mercury holds court here for longer than usual, until February 7, pretty much ensuring that you won't be hibernating alone this winter. But who will warm your bed? From December 19 to January 8, Mercury will be retrograde, which could herald the return of an ex — for that dreamed of second chance or a few vigorous rounds of hate sex. Already in a relationship? This Mercury cycle will pump up the playful vibes, but it can also bring a few bouts of drama. Take cool-down breaks if you feel your temper flaring. Just try not to go to bed angry.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

September 23 to October 22
In times of uncertainty, nothing feels better than communing with your circle of supportive friends. This Tuesday, the new moon in Sagittarius will revive your social spirit, getting you off the couch and into the world of incredible people who inspire and heal you. And while getting into the holiday spirit might be challenging in the current political climate, you need to live, Libra. Load up your calendar with cultural events and gather your tribe. Whether you're hitting up a ticketed event or just meeting for casual drinks, pick up the entertainment director's baton. And keep your guest list open! A BFF-grade acquaintance could pop up this week marking the start of a beautiful friendship which blossoms over the coming half year.
On Friday, expressive Mercury moves into your soulful fourth house until February 7 — an extra-long tour due to a retrograde from December 19 to January 8. Incoming feels! Your heart will be wide open for the next two months; so much so that you'll need to set savvier boundaries to avoid getting swept up in people's complicated lives. Women will be the star players of this Mercury cycle and you could reconnect to a childhood friend or important relative during Mercury's retrograde phase. You'll have to watch out for family feuds during the holidays though. Plan carefully, Libra, perhaps avoiding celebrations where button-pushing people will be present.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

October 23 to November 21
The temptation of holiday cheer is strong, but first, buckle down on your end-of-year goals. This Tuesday, the new moon in your income zone puts some wind beneath your industrious wings. You can finish your work in record time and set yourself up for that bonus or promotion you've been angling for. If you're looking for a professional upgrade, circulate on LinkedIn and ask friends to connect you to potential opportunities. Or get rolling on a business idea of your own. It could become quite lucrative over the next six months. But it makes little different if you burn cash faster than you earn it. This new moon puts you on a stricter budget. Inconvenient timing with holiday shopping? Not necessarily. Just get more creative with your gifting, checking out indie designers on Etsy or even making some presents by hand.
Your social life will pick up again on Friday when butterfly Mercury flutters into your garrulous third house until February 7. With your killer wit and seductive charm, you're far more than a sexy ornament, Scorpio. This Mercury phase makes you a lot more vocal both IRL and on social media — and people will love hearing your sharp and intelligent thoughts. Let variety be the spice of your social life during this two month phase, which included a retrograde from December 19 to January. Mingle with new crowds and open up your guest list to friends' plus-ones. During the retrograde, you could reconnect to an important amiga from your past! No need to wander too far from to get your fix. The local scene is where you’ll find the true gems.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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