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This Movie Genre Is Filled With Lies

Photo: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

There's something about Christmas that feels decidedly romantic. Maybe it's all the twinkling lights and cozy feelings of being by a fire. Maybe it's that all your friends seem to get engaged around this time of year. Or, maybe it's because movies have been pushing the idea that Christmas and love go hand in hand for years now.

Well, we're hip to your tricks, Hollywood. We're willing to suspend our disbelief while we're watching movies, but we couldn't help but call B.S. on the way romance lives specifically in Christmas movies. It's like plot lines get a hall pass to do whatever they want just because it's the most wonderful time of the year. Ahead, the insane ways you'll apparently find love this holiday season — according to film.

Love Actually (2003)

Show up at your adored's door, unannounced. Play her a tape of children singing Christmas carols. Hold up signs with a "romantic" speech written on them. Don't say an actual word.

Photo: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

The Holiday (2006)

Swap homes with a stranger. Nothing bad will happen to you. In fact, you'll become the focal point of a whimsical love story.

Photo: Moviestore/REX Shutterstock.

The Perfect Holiday (2007)

Lie about your job as a mall santa. Your beloved will only find it endearing.

Photo: Photofest.

Elf (2003)

If you act like an elf, a pretty — albeit jaded — coworker will fall in love with you. She will then leave her lackluster life working in retail to move to the North Pole and raise an elf family with you.

Photo: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

Miracle on 34th Street (1994)

What's that? You've got a crush on your neighbor? Well, just befriend her daughter and before you know it, you'll be invited to dinner three times a week and probably marry that love of yours.

Photo: SNAP/REX Shutterstock.

It's A Wonderful Life (1946)

You can't escape love. It will find you. Even if you hide, it will find you.

Photo: Photofest.

White Christmas (1954)

Create a fake engagement to manipulate your loved ones. It's the perfect plan.

Photo: John Swope/Getty Images.

Santa Clause 2 (2002)

Be Santa Claus. Use your Christmas magic to make your rebellious son's school principal fall in love with you because you literally need a wife or you'll die — or at least you won't be Santa anymore.

Photo: Moviestore/REX Shutterstock.

The Family Stone (2005)

Go home to your fiancé's family for Christmas. Bring your sister. Fall down with a dessert so that it ends up all over your clothes, which will make your future mother-in-law finally like you. Now start dating your beau's brother instead. Don't worry about your formerly betrothed. He'll just date your sister. Everyone wins!

Photo: Moviestore/REX Shutterstock.

Just Friends (2005)

You know that gorgeous and brilliant girl you've been in love with forever? Well, she’ll hanging around your hometown and ready to embark on a relationship with you — even though you've been a jerk for the majority of the movie. For added points, wear a padded suit and sing "I Swear" to her.

Photo: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

Serendipity (2001)

Argue over some black gloves. Stick your phone number in a random book. Years later, reunite with your love, whom you definitely adore even though you've only known each other for a few hours.

Photo: Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

Love Actually (2003)

Fire the girl you like. She'll be mad, but just go down to her house after and give her family a ride to the school play and you two will be just fine.

Photo:Snap Stills/REX Shutterstock.

While You Were Sleeping (1995)

Convince a man who just woke up from a coma that you're his girlfriend. Then, when you meet his family, date his brother because you have better chemistry with him instead.

Photo: Moviestore/REX Shutterstock.

Last Holiday (2006)

Find out you have a rare brain condition and have three weeks to live. Spend all your money on a lavish vacation and end up falling in love after years of being alone. Find out (spoiler alert!) you don't have a rare brain condition, and that the CAT scan machine was broken. Classic oopsies!

Photo: Paramount Pictures/REX/Shutterstock.

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