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The Bachelorette Episode 10 Recap: The Finale

Photo: Courtesy of Disney/ABC.

JoJo’s big moment has finally arrived. Her family has arrived in Thailand, and she’s enlisted their help to help choose between Jordan and Robby.

But first, we have the live studio event. Ben and Lauren are here. The Bachelor in Paradise crowd has peaceably assembled in advance of their premiere. Chad is behaving himself so far, complete with his security guard in tow. Chris Harrison takes his place at the helm of the party boat and steers us back to Thailand for the all-important first meetings between the Fletcher clan and the two suitors.

JoJo sets the scene for her family. She tells them that she has two great guys and that she is in love with both of them, but she hasn’t told either. That gets her a “good for you” from her mom. She says she wants to save that because of what happened to her when Ben told her that he loved her and then picked Lauren.

Photo: Courtesy of Disney/ABC.

Jordan is first up. “He always seemed like a guy that could break my heart,” JoJo says to the camera. Jordan is excited for his big day. He says he’s always thought about asking his wife’s father for his blessing and, for him, this might be that moment. He arrives in the family’s suite with Thai market gifts in hand. He gives JoJo’s parents ugly touristy hats, which, to put it mildly, it a strange choice for a first impression. He admits to her parents that at first, he was skeptical about the process.

JoJo’s mom doesn’t waste any time hitting Jordan with the tough questions. She tells Jordan that her daughter has trust issues with men. She calls Jordan an attention-getter. “She’s my best friend, and I want to wake up every morning with her,” Jordan tells JoJo’s mom. She asks him to give her his word that he will not break her daughter’s heart. Jordan hesitates, but he gives her his word.

JoJo’s mom does not hesitate to tell JoJo her concerns about Jordan. She is afraid that Jordan is a playboy and that the two of them are too much alike. JoJo understands her mother’s hesitations. “I think what you’re concerned about it that he’s too likable,” she says. He will get all the attention in the room, and that will bring out JoJo’s insecurities. That is exactly what concerns Mom. “I love Jordan. Who doesn’t like Jordan? That’s the problem.” It is not often a woman has to convince her mother that her boyfriend is too likable, but in the Bachelorette universe just about anything is possible. Mom realizes that her daughter is too far gone and just doesn’t want to hear it.

The conversation with JoJo’s mom is interesting, but it is the conversation with JoJo’s dad where Jordan fumbles the ball. He’s nervous. He and JoJo’s dad have an awkward conversation (at least it is edited that way.) He has been saying all along how important it was to ask for his future father-in-law's permission. When the moment comes, he doesn’t do it. Jordan tells them that he loves their daughter, and he wants to prove that to them, but he doesn’t take that next step. He admits to the camera that the conversation didn’t feel like he expected it to feel. He knows it's going to be a problem. JoJo, for her part, is clueless. She assumed he asked. He had told her he wouldn’t propose without doing it.

Photo: Courtesy of Disney/ABC.

Robby’s family meeting goes much smoother. He’s as confident as he always has been in his love of JoJo. On the way to the suite, he says he is excited to meet his potential future in-laws. He’s excited to ask her father for his blessing. Again, Mom comes out swinging. Right from the start she wants to know what it was about her daughter that attracted Robby. Robby says all of the right things. “She’s smart and intelligent. She’s fun to be around. She’s got a brightness about her.” He tells of the moment in Uruguay when he knew that he loved JoJo.

JoJo’s siblings are on board with Robby. Her brother says that his first instinct is that Robby is a great guy. Her other brother reminds her that she’s not picking a New Years’ Eve date. She needs to think about marriage and kids. They tell her that they don’t see any red flags at all with Robby. Meanwhile, Mom’s giving Robby the once over. She doesn’t want her daughter’s broken heart to be the discussion at the family dinner table anymore. She says she raised a princess, but she wants Robby to make her the “Queen of his heart.”

Robby pulls both of JoJo’s parents together and does the thing that Jordan didn’t do during his meeting. He asks them for their blessing. He says he wants to protect her and care for her and love her for his entire life. JoJo’s dad gets choked up. “I would be honored to have you in my family,” he tells Robby.

JoJo gets the download from her family after Robby leaves. They are sold on Robby’s authenticity and his love for JoJo. She is shocked to hear that Robby asked for their permission, but Jordan did not. She jumps to Jordan’s defense with her family. Her brother points that out. Dad comes to the rescue. “We are saying that they are both great guys, and we would embrace either one,” he tells his daughter.

JoJo is stressed out. She’s having a full-on 70s disco moment. She’s torn between two lovers and feeling like a fool. She doesn’t know what to do. Luckily for her, she has a whole hour of TV left to make up her mind.

“Wow,” is Chris Harrison’s expert commentary with the live studio audience.

Back in Thailand, JoJo is still ‘to’ and ‘fro’-ing. She repeats her familiar refrain: “I want, at the end of this day, just to have a lot more clarity.”

Robby doesn’t need clarity. Mr. I Love You has been clear on what he wants for a long time. “Today is going to be awesome,” he says. During their date, JoJo asks him what he thinks their future would be like. He has a very specific vision of that future. It involves a comfortable sofa and meatloaf. And burned meatloaf at that. JoJo knows that he is ready for a family. She trusts him, and she knows that a future with Robby would be one filled with love. He has no doubts, and he wants her to feel that with him. He wants her to walk away from their last night feeling confident. He tells her that he reassured her parents that she would be safe with him.

JoJo doesn’t doubt his love. She feels it. She says she never thought she would be able to have the type of love she has with Robby. “It’s the type of love that I’ve been waiting for. That makes me excited to say ‘yes’ to Robby.”

The date with Jordan is an altogether different animal. Where as the last time spent with Robby was all about love and trust, JoJo starts her date with Jordan with some serious doubts. She can’t get over the fact that he did not ask her father for his permission to marry his daughter. She is excited to see him, but she’s anxious about what the day will hold. Jordan is excited, too, but his excitement is different. He wants to know where JoJo stands. They are in this together, and he says they have a lot of big decisions to make together. “It is a two-way street,” he says.

JoJo wastes no time asking Jordan what is in his head. She wants to talk about his time with her family. He says he loved it. He loved her family. “How did you feel talking to my dad?” she asks. Jordan says he didn’t shy away from his intentions, but they both know he didn’t do the thing she wanted him to do. They had talked about how it was important to both of them and then he just didn’t go there. She tells him that she is disappointed and upset. If it is him, then he won’t have their blessing.

Jordan really doesn’t have a good answer for her. Or, at least he isn’t able to articulate one. Putting the pieces together it seems that he didn’t want to go there before they met Robby and he also didn’t want to put himself out there before he knew for sure that JoJo felt the same way about him. Both reasons are understandable except for when you’re operating in the paradigm of The Bachelorette taking time like that is a luxury that just doesn’t exist. She wants to know what he needs from her. He wants her to know that he knows he screwed up. She asks him straight up what happens two days from now. “I don’t know,” he says.

She walks away feeling confused and upset. She needs that one last moment during the evening part of their date, for him to be honest and upfront. “I’ve told everyone that I want to marry you,” he tells her. She longs for the moment with her parents that got away. He realizes that he’s losing ground with her and tells her he is ready to take a leap of faith even if he doesn’t know 100% how she feels. She leaves him. Regrets? He’s got a few.

Both men pick out a ring. Robby is confident, of course. Jordan is a little wishy-washy. Robby’s nerves are excitement. Jordan’s nerves seem like straight-up nerves. They both write her a final note and Jordan makes one last phone call. He calls her parents and asks for their permission, which they happily give over speaker phone. Just as he must have imagined it all those years. He’s a quarterback, after all. He knows how to throw a Hail, Mary.

JoJo wakes up with the clarity she’s been looking for since the beginning. Jordan tells her in the letter that he got her parent’s permission. JoJo says she doesn’t feel right, but also that “it’s everything I want.” After reading Robby’s impossibly sweet letter, she says, in what might be a tell,” This is the kind of love that you …” Then she catches it and corrects herself. “That I want.” She also thinks she might be having a panic attack.

The big day moment. Everybody is showered and spiffed. Robby is the first to arrive at the beach, and we all know what that means. All of us except Robby, that is. He’s excited. He’s in love. He’s ready to propose, but JoJo stops him. “Robby, hold on. I can’t let you get on one knee.” His demeanor changes. His face falls. She tells him that she loves him, but that her heart is somewhere else. He stumbles, sad and confused, to the waiting car and off into Bachelorette history.

Cut to the live studio audience and you could hear a pin drop. It is almost like Chris Harrison is having a moment of silence for poor Robby.

The moment with Jordan is almost anti-climatic after the emotional goodbye to Robby. Jordan tells JoJo that he loves her. “You challenge me to be the best version of myself,” he says. JoJo finally tells him that she loves him back. “I love you so much,” she says. “I didn’t want you to get down on one knee until you did that.”

He gets on one knee. She says yes. Somewhere Aaron Rodgers doesn’t care.

So, it’s Jordan. Honestly, it was always Jordan.

Photo: Courtesy of Disney/ABC.

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We're Making It Easy For You To Get Involved In Politics


Election Day lasts just one day — a 24-hour culmination of the seemingly never-ending campaign season.

But we’ll spend the next two, four, six years living with the choices we make as a country this November 8. And the decisions made during that time by the people we elect to the White House, Congress, and state and local offices will impact all of our lives for decades to come.

We're talking everything from student-loan rates to tampon taxes to our safety as a nation.

All the more reason to prep like you haven’t done since your last set of finals.

At Refinery29, our party is women. We want to see you claim your own power in the political system — no matter if you identify as Democrat, Republican, Green, Libertarian, or none of the above.

That’s why for the 100 days leading up to November 8, we’ll be throwing up a new challenge each day to help you get informed, involved, and excited to take action on the issues that are most important to you, personally. Hopefully, you'll even have some fun while you're at it.

Democracy isn’t something that just happens — it’s something that we do. And it gives us all the power to shape our collective future. As President John F. Kennedy so perfectly put it, "One person can make a difference, but everyone should try."

So, check back each day to find out a new, easy way to be involved in the first election of the rest of your life. We know you're busy, so we promise these won't be huge time-sucks. In fact, most of the challenges will take you just a few minutes to complete.

And use the hashtag #VYV100 to share your progress and your own ideas along the way. After all, a party — political or otherwise — is no fun if it’s only you.

Day 1

First things first: You can't cast a ballot unless you're registered to vote.

Yes, we know the election is still three-plus months away. Technically, you have plenty of time to make sure that voter registration is completed and up-to-date.

But why put it off when you can get your registration sorted out in less time than it takes to choose the perfect filter for your next snap?

If you're not sure of your status — or, whether you are registered at your current address — you can check it out using CanIVote.org's handy lookup tool. It took one R29 reporter just 18 seconds start to finish to confirm that hers was valid and up-to-date.

If you aren't registered yet, we have options for you! You can download a form at CanIVote.org, or find out whether your state is one of 31 (plus Washington, D.C.!) that will let you do the whole thing online.

Rock the Vote is another great resource that makes registering to vote a super-quick and painless process.

So, whether it's over breakfast, during your lunch break, or paired with a glass of rosé tonight, take a few minutes to cross this vital task off your to-do list.

At the very least, it's one less thing to worry about for the next 100 days.

Illustrated by: Elliot Salazar.

Day 2

By now, you're probably pretty familiar with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. They've each been (officially) running for president for well over a year.

But the two candidates for the White House's No. 2 gig have been at it for less than a month.

So, who are the respective VP picks, Republican Mike Pence and Democrat Tim Kaine?

TL;DR: Both are white dudes in their 50s who have been in politics for a looong time.

If you're looking (and we hope you are) for a bit more background, we've broken down the things you'll want to know about each vice presidential hopeful.

Click the links below to get to know the candidates in less time than it takes to watch this montage of the best Veep insults.

Need An Introduction To Mike Pence? We Have You Covered

4 Things You Need To Know Abot Tim Kaine

Illustrated by: Elliot Salazar.

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Rihanna's Lipstick Is All We Ever Want In Our Lives


Our famous Bad Gal consistently wows us with her beauty risks. But her most recent one — featuring a face full of dripping jewels — made our world damn near collapse. The look, which was part of the singer's post-apocalyptic-themed shoot with W magazine, features (literal) ruby-red lips, diamonds galore, and gold eye bling only possible at the hands of the iconic makeup artist Pat McGrath.

While the precious stones will be hard to come by, those red lips probably won't. McGrath posted a photo of the cover along with this caption: "FRANKLY SCARLET... something is coming from Pat McGrath Labs!!! @badgalriri serving MAJOR ravishing rouge LIP LUXURY on the September issue of @wmag!!!" The cosmetic maven has used this product before, during the Atelier Versace fall 2016 couture show, and continues hinting at its mysterious release on her account.

We can hardly wait to mimic the look — perhaps in a subtler, less impending-doom way. Check out the rest of the images over at W, then get your fingers ready for whenever this beauty beat drops.

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Aaron Rodgers Is "Absolutely" Invited To JoJo & Jordan's Wedding


Jordan Rodgers, JoJo's pick on The Bachelorette, was known as the brother of NFL star Aaron Rodgers. The two aren't very close, though. In fact, Jordan has said they don't talk much at all. Aaron has admitted to not even watching the show.

However, Jordan said at a press conference Tuesday that his brother will be invited to their wedding, according to People.

"There's no scenario in which I wouldn't want my entire family at a wedding, so absolutely, that's something all of our family wants and hopes for at some point," he said. JoJo added that she's already planning it, Pinterest boards and all.

Let's hope their wedding is televised in Bachelor Nation tradition. We're not going to want to miss that awkward reunion.

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You Need To See This Harry Potter-Themed Election Fan Fiction


Presidential candidates know all too well the perils of failing to secure domain names related to their monikers and campaigns. TedCruz.com, for example, leads to a photo of Hillary Clinton, with the caption, "Next President of the United States of America!!!"

This time, the website in question is ClintonKaine.com. Jeremy Peter Green, a lawyer and web comic artist who uses the pen name Jeremy Pegg, bought the domain in 2011, and he's now using it to host Harry Potter -inspired fan fiction about Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine.

Green's comics feature the characters "Hillary Potter" and "Timontous Kaine," so it's not difficult to see who he's talking about. Refinery29 spoke with Green, who lives in D.C., about the inspiration behind the website.

I feel like the Slytherins are hustlers, and that's kind of what I am.

You've written other web comics in the past before this Harry Potter one. What inspired you to create fan fiction about Hillary Clinton?

"In the primaries, I had bought Republican domains, too. Like RubioCruz.com, for example…At first it wasn't going to be Harry Potter, it was just going to be sort of awkward, romantic fan fiction, political fan fiction with no real sort of fantasy theme or anything. And then I realized it would be probably funnier and more widely appealing if I made it Harry Potter fan fiction. And it was fun to write, too. I read all the books. They're good."

You said you bought the domain all the way back in 2011, for $7.67. Why did you decide to buy it? How did you connect the two of them so many years ago?

"Around that time, I was in between college and law school, and I was living in D.C. I went to an event when Tim Kaine was chairman of the DNC, and he unveiled the new Democratic party logo. It was the 'D' with the circle around it. And, I don't know, I was like, This guy's all right. There was just sort of a hunch, I guess."

Wow! And you've just kept it all these years.

"Yeah, I have. I actually had ClintonBiden for six years; I got that in 2010. But that didn't work out, obviously."

If I got a big enough sum from this website, I'd really be able to go whole hog with the solo practice and the pro bono stuff.

Why are you charging $90,000 for the domain? Do you have a plan for what you would do with the money if someone made the offer?

"I honestly don't have too much money right now…so as long as I have the domain, I want to see what I can get for it. And I'd like to start my own solo practice and be able to do tenants' rights projects here in D.C., and other pro bono stuff — sex worker rights, sick leave and employment law stuff for workers here. If I got a big enough sum from this website, I'd really be able to go whole hog with the solo practice and the pro bono stuff."

Do you think that Clinton and Kaine would agree with your assessments of them as a Gryffindor and a Hufflepuff, respectively?

"You know, yeah. I mean, every politician, almost every politician, probably sees themselves as a Gryffindor…And then Tim Kaine, I don't know how much he's read the books, but the Hufflepuffs are sort of the most morally sound people...they're genuine people. So, I think he would probably agree."

I don't know how I could write about politics without using humor. It's just sort of second nature to me.

Which house do you consider yourself a member of?

"I don't know. Probably Slytherin. I'm a lawyer and a domain squatter. I feel like I have a knack for side projects…I feel like the Slytherins are hustlers, and that's kind of what I am. So I guess I identify with them."

What is the broader message behind your site, in terms of money and politics? What do you hope the site will achieve?

"I guess I hope people just enjoy reading it, and maybe check out my web comic…But there's no real broader message, besides the sort of obvious pro-Hillary, anti-Trump bent."

Would you vote for Hillary in November, since you've said in the past that you're a socialist?

"Yeah, I'm a Hillary supporter…I plan to volunteer in the fall."

Why is it important for you to bring humor into the election cycle?

"That's just something I've always done, since I was little…I don't know how I could write about politics without using humor. It's just sort of second nature to me, I guess."

Editor's note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

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Here's How To Use Instagram's New Stories Feature


Instagram introduced a major new feature today: Instagram Stories. Like the Snapchat feature of the same name, it's a place you can upload a quick, fun photo or video; add some details such as a drawing or text; and then share it with your followers until it expires 24 hours later.

If you're a Snapchat diehard, you'll already be fairly familiar with the fundamentals of Instagram Stories. But either way, here's what you need to know so you'll be an expert when it rolls out to your phone in the coming weeks.

Once you've got the app update, you'll notice the app's home screen now has a carousel of stories along the top of your feed. You can add a photo or video to your own story by clicking the plus sign in the upper left (a completely different button from sharing to your Instagram feed) or swiping to the right across your phone.

Next, you're taken to a Snapchat-like fullscreen view from your camera. You can swap between the front- and rear-facing camera with the button on the lower right; snap a picture or record a video by tapping or holding the shutter button in the middle; and adjust your flash settings with the button on the left. If you change your mind and decide you don't want to record a story, you can swipe to the left to get back to your Instagram feed — or just hit cancel after you've shot something.

Otherwise, you can then add a text overlay to the image or draw on it (à la Snapchat). Below is a video that guides you through the drawing feature. You've got three drawing-tool types, including a "glowing" marker, nine colors to choose from, and a slider that lets you adjust the thickness of the lines you draw.

After that, you just hit the checkmark at the bottom of the screen to share it to your Story, or hit the download button on the right if you want to save it to your Camera Roll.

When you're viewing a Story, as with Snapchat, you can tap to skip from one video clip to the next. When someone's circular icon has a colored ring around it, that means there's new Story footage you haven't seen.

Instagram Stories feels very Snapchat-like. If you don't like the feature, it should be fairly easy to ignore, but if you want to start sharing quick, Snapchat-style moments with your Instagram followers, you've now got the option.

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Matt Lauer Had An Emotional Encounter With Hollywood Medium's Tyler Henry


Even if you have no belief in the supernatural, stories like these have got to make you wonder. On Tuesday morning's Today show, we got to see a session between Hollywood Medium 's Tyler Henry and Matt Lauer, and it was pretty creepy.

First, Henry told Lauer that a man with a "fatherly kind of an essence" wanted to speak with him. He described his "progressive decline in health" and his refusal "to die surrounded by doctors...in a hospital withering away." The spirit thanked Lauer for not bringing him to a "traditional facility."

Though Henry didn't know this, Lauer revealed to viewers that his father in fact died at home under hospice care. Henry also mentioned a bird flying into the house, which Lauer said had happened to his family quite a bit, and fishing, which Lauer once did with his father (okay, maybe that one was predictable).

Lauer's eyes were already tearing up by this point, and then it got more sentimental. "Your father is so immensely proud of you," Henry said. "You didn't have to get where you are today to be successful in his eyes because he views you as successful regardless." His number one priority is for his son to be happy, he added.

"Tell him I'm happy because of him," Lauer responded.

"He knows."

Yeah, you might want to grab some tissues before you watch this.

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8 Brands That Will Transform Your Travel Wardrobe


When it comes to packing for vacation, it takes approximately 14 minutes (or the time you have before your Uber arrives to bring you to the airport) to sweep the pile of clothes on your bedroom floor into your bag. Then, it takes approximately three months to unpack. As each trip approaches, you find yourself thinking, This trip I'm actually going to put together a carefully considered selection of versatile, stylish pieces and be the best dressed on the beach. I can and will look as polished as Kim Kardashian on her family getaway. But hours before you're meant to take off, you're still rummaging for a sorry-looking bikini and the same crumpled kaftans that come with you every year. Next summer, right?

We know that scenario all too well. That's why we've put together a list of the brands guaranteed to spruce up your holiday wardrobe so you don't have to scramble around last minute again. Say goodbye to old swimwear, boring summer dresses, and battered sandals, and say hello to a few effortlessly elegant, easy pieces that will revitalize your getaway looks for a beach or city break. Whether it's a printed shirt to pair with your favorite cutoffs, a billowing blouse, or a printed dress, you'll find it ahead. These are the labels to know before jetting off this summer.

Dodo Bar Or

Israeli actress-turned-fashion designer Dorit "Dodo" Bar Or debuted her eponymous brand in 2009 with a shop in Tel Aviv. This year (much to our delight), Dodo Bar Or finally launched worldwide at retailers like MatchesFashion and Net-A-Porter, allowing fans of the label across the globe to add its hand-embroidered garments to their summer wardrobes. Inspired by the keffiyeh scarf, Bar Or offers pretty printed kaftans, skirts, and shirts begging for compliments.

Photo: Courtesy of Dodo Bar Or.

Réalisation Par

By now, you probably know that we (and Alexa Chung) have a serious thing for Réalistation Par. Founded by Aussie model and blogger Alexandra Spencer and designer Teale Talbot last summer, in less than a year the brand has become the cool girl's go-to for wardrobe staples.

Unlike most labels, Réalisation Par doesn’t operate in seasonal collections. Instead, it focuses on offering pieces the duo felt were missing from their own closets, and putting them into ours. If you like Chung's style (And who doesn't?), then you'll love this.

Photo: Courtesy of Réalisation Par.

Solid & Striped

Central Saint Martins graduate Isaac Ross launched Solid & Striped just three years ago in New York City, but it's already made serious waves; the brand's collaborated with the likes of Poppy Delevingne and Hilary Rhoda, and it's signature striped one-pieces were all the rage at Taylor Swift's Fourth of July bash. Sure, those metallic, cutout, high-waisted thong bathing suits might look cool in heavily edited pictures on the 'gram, but Solid & Striped is the real deal when it comes to elegant, comfortable, and flattering swimwear.

Photo via @solidandstriped.


Now that you've got your printed kaftans and Hadid-approved swimsuits covered, don't let your travel look fall by the wayside. Rarely is the new, cool-girl destination for graphic tees, joggers, cute full-back undies, and dad hats that are ideal for long flights and car rides; you know, when you want to be super-comfy, but still put-together enough for all those snapchats you're bound to take. Oh, and did we mentioned everything is under $100?

Photo: Courtesy of Rarely.


If you're in the market for some luxury loungewear and swim pieces, Asceno has your name written all over it. The premium casual clothing label, conceived by Poppy Sexton-Wainwright and Lauren Skerritt, offers a modern twist on classic shirts, pajama sets (that can also be worn on the beach/to dinner/to the office/you name it), slips, camisoles, sleep shirts, and so much more.

Photo via @ascenolondon.


Pampelone clothing was started by former fashion publicist Holly Anna Scarsella, who was inspired by her frequent family holidays to Saint-Tropez. The entire collection is made from the highest quality cotton and is ethically produced in India, which is a double-win in our book. Get instant Riviera chic with off-the-shoulder blouses, floaty tunics, and knotted dresses. Put it together with frayed jeans, suede shoes, and a raffia bag, and you can consider your vacation look complete.

Photo: Courtesy of Pampelone.


Former stylist Innika Choo knows a thing about island life: She calls tropical paradise Bali home, after all. So it's no surprise her namesake line is the ideal collection of embroidered smock blouses and low-heeled sandals that make long walks on the beach a breeze. We're particularly fond of this black gingham tunic, which is one of those pieces we'll be wearing well into September.

Photo via @innika.


Ethiopian supermodel, mother, and activist Liya Kebede founded Lemlem in 2007 after a trip to her native country, where she recognized a need to preserve the almost defunct traditional craft while simultaneously creating job opportunities for local artisans. The brand quickly took off and has recently expanded beyond hand-woven pieces, while still maintaining production in Africa. Now stocked at MatchesFashion and Net-A-Porter, Lemlem offers cotton scarves, women's clothing in silk and jersey, and children's dresses.

Photo via @lemlemnyc.

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14 Off-The-Shoulder Sweaters To Get You Ready For Fall

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14 Off-The-Shoulder Sweaters To Get You Ready For Fall


Off-the-shoulder tops are like chokers: As if overnight, suddenly they're everywhere. But their virality makes sense. They're a good swap for your usual fare, and they're très sexy in a coy kind of way. We even have a hack to keep them in placeoff your shoulders — so you don't have to fuss with your shirt all day.

Well, the trend isn't going anywhere anytime soon; it's just transitioning to fall. Off-the-shoulder sweaters are a slightly different animal — they're slouchier, and can look even better if one shoulder is covered. In the slideshow ahead, we've gathered some options to get you ready for a chic fall (or even now...hello AC). Get ready to brush your shoulders off with these 14 picks.

The "unintentional" off-the-shoulder sweater.

H&M Oversized Sweater, $49.99, available at H&M.

Fringe adds even more attention to the neckline.

Eleven Six Frida Ruffle Neck Sweater, $445, available at Moda Operandi.

For a slightly more covered-up vibe.

Line & Dot Lou Knit Sweater, $108 $86.40, available at Nasty Gal.

A sporty, punchy option.

I'm Isola Marras Off-Shoulder Oversized Sweater, $361.10, available at Farfetch.

Winter is coming. Add this classic, chunky sweater to your arsenal, and you'll be set for months.

Acne Studios Daze Mohir Sweater, $450, available at Browns.

Stripes and ruffles, oh my.

Lost Ink Off Shoulder Knitted Sweater, $49, available at Asos.

Try a straight-across neckline when you don't want to show too much skin.

Boohoo Lola Slash Neck Fisherman Jumper, $20, available at Boohoo.

Tuck this into your favorite blue jeans.

Wilfred Croquis Sweater, $125, available at Aritzia.

Push up the sleeves for a cool look.

Kimchi Blue Off-The-Shoulder Balloon Sleeve Sweater, $79, available at Urban Outfitters.

Your classic sweater just got a makeover.

H&M Off-The-Shoulder Sweater, $39.95 $25, available at H&M.

This one's made for all your high-waisted bottoms.

C/MEO Collective Life Long Sleeve Knit Crop, $150, available at BNKR.

Off-the-shoulder...with a little extra.

Raoul Off-The-Shoulder Cotton-Blend Sweater, $265 $132.50, available at The Outnet.

While this one's pricier, it's definitely elegant.

Tom Ford Off-The-Shoulder Sweater, $1,490, available at Net-A-Porter.

Pair this with frayed jeans and mules for a look that's too cool for school.

Asos Sweater with Off Shoulder Wrap Detail, $52 $20.50, available at Asos.

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Kendall & Kylie's Music Videos Are Just Like J.D. Salinger Stories (Seriously)


Kendall and Kylie are the youngest and currently the most vital of the Kardashian/Jenner empire. Certainly they’re the loudest, with Kim settling deeper into family life (when she’s not annihilating Taylor Swift’s credibility) and Khloé seeing her talk show go the way of the dodo bird. But did you know they used to make music videos?

They totally did. But only five. They’re like the J.D. Salinger of music videos, basically. Start strong and then fade away. If you’re keeping score, they’re currently in the phase of life where they retire to Massachusetts and carry on inappropriate relationships with young fans. That’s where Tyga comes in.

In keeping with that totally unforced analogy, we’ll be comparing their music videos to J.D. Salinger books and stories.

Tall Girl, which is set to John Legend’s “Green Light” is the Catcher in the Rye. Kendall is walking around on someone else’s shoulders. They’re shrouded in a trench coat, but she’s pretending to be this big adult. Inside, however, she’s just a girl. Just like Holden Caulfield. Don’t investigate that analogy further.

Firework, soundtracked to Katy Perry’s “Firework,” is clearly Franny and Zooey. Two young siblings of obvious precocity show off, drawing various people into their orbit. The final scene, in which Bruce is held up by the sisters, is like the final revelation of Seymour’s dark secret. They’re carrying the burden of their patriarch the whole time. This is deep, just go with it.

“Keepin up with Kendall and Kylie- We keep up!” is a lot like “Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut” from Nine Stories. It’s like that in that it’s silly, not very good, and features the surprise death of a character at the end. In “Uncle Wiggily,” the death is Jimmy’s. In the music video, it’s the laptop’s.

“Better Than Revenge” is an amazing cover of a Taylor Swift song. “A Perfect Day For A Bananafish” is a story in which a man talks to a child, talks to his wife, and then shoots himself in a shock ending. That young man, Seymour Glass, is Taylor Swift. The child is the Jenner/Kardashian children. And obviously the gun is Kim.

“Super Bass” is like the J.D. Salinger story “Teddy,” also from Nine Stories. “Why?” you ask. Well, they’re both on boats. Boom, did it.

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Why Gilmore Girls Fans Think Lorelai Might Get Pregnant In The Revival


To most people, the photo below will just look like a picture of some artfully arranged Pop-Tarts and an apple. But to a Gilmore Girls fan, it contains a whole lot of meaning.

The Gilmore Girls Instagram account posted the photo Tuesday afternoon, and the comments immediately blew up with speculations.

"A baby????? OMG," one fan wrote. "I hope Lorelei is pregnant," said another.

Where are they getting this from? They're referring to the episode “Blame Booze and Melville,” in which Lorelai comes to suspect she's pregnant because she craves an apple, according to Entertainment Weekly.

It may seem like a stretch, but the Instagram caption does call attention to the fruit: "Pop-Tart appetizers to hold us over 'till the pizza comes. And one apple."

Is it true? Could Lorelai be pregnant in the revival? She'll be around 48 at the time, so it's possible as, Zap2it points out. Maybe it's Rory who has a baby on the way?

With three Gilmore girls on the show, things could definitely get interesting.

Pop-Tart appetizers to hold us over 'till the pizza comes. And one apple.

A photo posted by @gilmoregirls on

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Who Was Murdered On Tonight's Pretty Little Liars?

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These Designer Hospital Gowns For Sick Teens Will Give You All The Feels


Sometimes, we run across a much-needed reminder that fashion isn't solely about personal expression, and it's more than a massive global industry; it can also be used for good. Unfortunately, hospitals and fashion don't really mix all that often (and no, we're not talking about "stylish scrubs").

That's why Ward + Robes grabbed our attention: The initiative, started by Starlight Children's Foundation, gives a fresh new spin on hospital gowns for teen patients. The organization's Canadian branch paired up with a few creatives, spanning the gamut from fashion designers to a tattoo artist to an embroiderer, to design the pieces.

The looks created by the project's six selected talents are a far cry from the drab, standard-issue garments typically worn by hospital patients. The aim: to bring a small dose of joy to children spending time in the hospital by giving them garb that allows for way more personal expression.

"Wearing a hospital gown is like being in the hospital: There is nothing good about it," one girl said in the video about the project, which you can watch below. "It sort of makes me feel like my identity's been stripped away from me," another teen remarked, referring to the negative impact of spending lengthy stints in dreary hospital gowns, completely devoid of any personal expression.

Photo: Via YouTube/Starlight Foundation.

"When you can't wear what you want, you feel like you're not who you should be, or you're just your illness, or you're just a hospital patient," one of the teens featured in the clip explained.

Ward + Robes started at Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa, Canada, and the aim is to bring the program to other hospitals throughout Canada next. It sounds like the program will also make its way across the border to the U.S. at some point. "We want this to go national, if not worldwide," Brian Bringolf, executive director of Starlight's Canadian branch, told The Globe and Mail. (The organization also has outposts in the U.S., U.K., and Australia.)

You can check out more Ward + Robe designs on Instagram; the project's hashtag is #wardrobes4teens. Warning: You seriously might want to have a box of Kleenex handy before watching the video, below. If you want to pitch in to help Starlight Children's Foundation's efforts, you can donate here.

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Pokémon Go Surpasses 100M Downloads & Makes A Shocking Amount Of Money


Pokémon Go has been downloaded 100 million times on Android and iOs combined, according to a new report from App Annie. The game had previously set a record for fastest to 50 million installations on Android, reaching that number in only 19 days per a TechCrunch report.

But the App Annie report holds another very big number: $10 million. That’s the daily revenue that the game is still producing, despite having been out for around three weeks.

That’s a huge number, and it’s being driven because Pokémon Go is occupying a heretofore under-utilized mobile space: Letting users out in the world. The game has surpassed Facebook as the app with the longest time open on Android phones, but not reduced the amount of time Facebook spends open.

“As Pokémon GO’s gameplay relies on users being out and about, consumers seem to have incorporated the game into their daily routines and commutes,” App Annie writes. “Despite this pattern, the average time spent per user and open rate for Pokémon GO actually exceeded that for Facebook during the week following its release in the US on Android phones. This implies that Pokémon GO is successfully acquiring a sizeable chunk of previously ‘non-mobile time’.”

That could be big news for future app developers, as they try to hit on games that require you to move around. Clash of Clans and Mobile Strike aren’t in any danger of being knocked off the top of the traditional mobile gaming pyramid, but they could see competition from things that require, you know, motion. Those are probably, given the mobile cycle, at least a year or two out.

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Kylie Jenner's Wig Collection Makes A Full Rainbow


We all know that Kylie Jenner is a wig enthusiast. She even claimed, in an insane statement, to have started the trend of wearing wigs. Not her most in-touch-with-reality moment, we have to admit.

But there are wig facts about Kylie that we didn’t know. For example: Did you know that she has a wig room? Or that the wig room is color-coordinated? Or that she has enough wigs to make the full rainbow?

Well, all of those things are true. The young Ms. Jenner took the time to post a Snapchat of her considerable wig collection and its whole separate room.

Other notable wig-wearers include Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, and the men who founded our country. Oh, and these ten people. So she’s in some pretty elite company.

Check out her wig collection below.

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Gisele's Daughter Inherited Her Amazing Blonde Waves

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Who Was Murdered On Tonight's Pretty Little Liars?


Just as we got advance notice someone was proposing on last week's Pretty Little Liars , we also knew someone would be murdered in tonight's episode. Turns out that unlucky person was Sara "Shower" Harvey (Dre Davis) — no surprise to the fandom there. Although the real kicker is that her body was left in a running shower...ha!

Murder in Rosewood is nothing new. Let's take a moment to remember all the people who have been killed in Pretty Little Liars history: Ali's (Sasha Pieterse) fake murder, Bethany Young, Mona's (Janel Parrish) fake murder, Detective Wilden (Bryce Johnson), Maya (Bianca Lawson), Nate/Lyndon (Sterling Sulieman), Mrs. DiLaurentis (Andrea Parker), Charlotte (Vanessa Ray), Ian (Ryan Merriman), Garrett (Yani Gellman), Elliott/Archer (Huw Collins), and Shana (Aeriél Miranda). Most of these murders were not announced ahead of time, which foolishly gave us hope tonight's murder would be a big deal. You know, someone we care about. But, well...Sara's was not that. Still, there's already speculation that one of The Liars' beloved love interests, Toby, might die before the Summer Finale.

We'll be recapping the episode live here. Keep coming back to learn our top 29 questions of the night, and the reveal of who was murdered.

1. Who is getting murdered tonight?

2. Why is it so weird that Elliot/Archer may be alive? Ali and Mona both came back from the "dead."

3. Why exactly does Sara hate the girls? She was torturing them for years with CeCe before the fire happened.

4. How can Ali be so mad at the girls? It's not like she was upfront with them in all of their near death situations in high school.

5. Why haven't the girls turned their phones on silent to avoid panic attacks?

6. Why exactly is Hanna (Ashley Benson) keeping the burner phone with her in public, on full volume?

7. Elliot/Archer was not actually murdered alive, right? That storyline has already happened, thank you very much.

8. Is Emily (Shay Mitchell) constantly disgusted with herself that she hooked up with Sara "Shower" Harvey?

9. What happened to the creepy man that used to own The Lost Woods Resort?

10. Is Mary Drake's (Andrea Parker) fear over Elliot possibly being alive all an act?

11. Why is this murder the one that is keeping Aria from marrying Ezra (Ian Harding)? She didn't actually kill Elliot, but she did actually kill Shana.

12. Why do Caleb (Tyler Blackburn) and Ezra (Ian Harding) have any doubts that the girls are hiding something from them? OF COURSE THEY ARE — you've caught them lying to you weekly.

13. What is up with Jenna (Tammin Sursok) playing that flute in hotel rooms with the door open?

14. If everyone is looking for Uber A, why doesn't Jenna's team and The Liars join forces?

15. Charlotte knew Elliot's real identity as Archer? She also called him "Archie," which is just awful.

16. Why was Elliot dating Ali if he was actually in love with Charlotte? That is not normal behavior, that is something Jenna should have been indignant about.

17. How did Archer and Charlotte meet? If Jenna is the one that turned him into a "doctor" and got him qualified to work at Welby, then they clearly met before.

18. Who was Sara trying to warn Emily about, and why does Jenna not want the girls to know about this threat?

19. What was the point of putting Spencer (Troian Bellisario) and Caleb together, if the writers were going to break them up only a couple episodes later?

20. Is Hanna going to talk about how Spencer didn't have bangs in her dream? Because that is weird.

21. How is the police force SO bad that Elliot can just pretend to be a police officer? They should have put Barry Maple, the only good police officer, on the case.

22. Why didn't Ali run outside when the police officer weirdly went missing? Running into a dark room is the opposite of smart.

23. How can Hanna afford Louboutins if she is unemployed?

24. Why does Aria (Lucy Hale) want to marry the person that knowingly seduced her as a child and created a lair where he stalked her and her friends?

25. Do all of The Liars' sketchy activities happen in the same wooded area?

26. Who tried to kill Ali and is calling them if Elliot is still dead and buried where they left him?

27. Did they really put Sara Harvey's dead body in a shower? Wow, way to play to the fandom complaining about Sara's constant need to shower. Congrats to everyone who guessed it would be Sara.

28. If Sara knew who they should be scared of, why didn't she tell people? She's not helpful ever.

29. (From the preview): What is up with Jason's hair??? Although, I am so excited he's back.

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Gisele's Daughter Inherited Her Amazing Blonde Waves


Gisele is known for her long, blonde waves, and it looks like her daughter Vivian Lake Brady inherited them. The two were in São Paulo for the Olympics Monday, and seeing them side by side is uncanny. Vivian is just three years old, and you can already spot the family resemblance.

This Instagram photo of Gisele as a toddler also reveals the similarities between her and her daughter. But the supermodel does regularly get highlights, Vogue pointed out, so it could be part coincidence.

Both of Gisele's kids are a big part of her life, and she likes to show them off on her Instagram. In addition to Vivian, she and Tom Brady have a six-year-old son named Benjamin Rein. It looks like he's got darker locks like his dad, though.

Whatever their kids look like, Gisele and Tom Brady do appear to be raising one happy family.

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Why The Hills 10th Anniversary Special Was Seriously Disappointing

Photo: Courtesy of MTV.

"So often we would say like, if you knew the real story, you would understand," Lauren Conrad tells us at the beginning of The Hills: That Was Then, This Is Now. "And what I'd like to do is tell that story."

It was an enticing invitation. So my coworkers and I settled in with slices of pizza and our black mascara gifs ready. After 10 years of asking "What was real? What was fake?" and quoting lines like "She's going to always be known as the girl who didn't go to Paris," and "You know what you did!" I was ready for a nostalgic walk down memory lane.

Unfortunately, MTV's 10th anniversary special didn't quite feel like that sentimental revisiting of one of my generation's favorite shows. While there was some reminiscing and a few never-before-seen clips, the actual Hills -related moments were interspersed between snoozy segments of a grown-up Lauren Conrad in meetings for her clothing line, or walking her dog with her husband, or taking philanthropic trips for work. The only other people interviewed about their reflections on The Hills? Director Jason Sands, producer Sophia Rossi, and Lauren's parents.

That's right. There was no Heidi, or Whitney, or Audrina, or Lo, or Jason, or Spencer. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Lauren Conrad fan (her Instagram has sent me down plenty of Pinterest holes), but like every viewer, I signed up for a special about the 10th anniversary of The Hills. Instead what I watched felt like an hour-long advertisement for LC by Lauren Conrad.

Though the lack of cast involvement and LC-congratulation was excessive, there were a few gems throughout the episode that made it worth watching. The first: We got a glimpse of Lauren's casting tape, when she was just 17 and admitted that she wasn't great at academics and "never thought she'd be successful." She then takes us on a trip down memory lane, reminiscing on how she met Heidi (they shared a cab home from class during their one semester at the San Francisco Academy of Art); the duo's first encounter with their "very pretty neighbor" Audrina; and Lauren's Teen Vogue internship, which it sounds like was actually somewhat real. (One scene they showed I'd totally forgotten about: Remember when Lauren saved a "Paparazzi"-era Lady Gaga from a horrific wardrobe malfunction and Gaga called her a superwoman?! Hope that's on LC's resume forever.)

Gif: Courtesy of Giphy.

"I think that we all sort of in our own way learned how to deal with it," LC says of the notoriety that came with the show's popularity. "Some of us embraced it, some of us hid from it. I never loved being on camera. A lot of people want to be on camera." (Anyone else think that was shade toward Heidi and Spencer??) One person who didn't end up on camera back then: A pre- KUWTK Kim Kardashian, who we see at a party in a clip that ended up on the cutting room floor. (Hard to believe there was a time when Kimmy was so un-famous, she got edited out of a show.)

But the juiciest moment, in my opinion, was when Lauren addresses that her ex-boyfriend Jason (who was, let's face it, the OG Cali-bred fuckboy) had a drinking problem. "What made it harder was that I could see he wasn't sober," Lauren says of their post-breakup scene. In the unseen footage, Jason mumbles, "It's 10 in the morning." Lauren responds, "You're not normal right now. What is wrong with you?" Then we see the actual footage that was aired, which just made it seem like the two had an emotional goodbye. Further proof of how much editing can change the context on these reality shows. (Don't worry, I'll be sure to bring this up if I ever find myself on the couch of a Real Housewives reunion.)

I was also sipping my tea when the episode shared outtakes from a scene between Lauren and Brody (who have both confirmed their relationship was not real). After Brody caresses LC's face, she looks at the camera and asks, "Can we please be done? This is the most awkward thing ever!" Brody playfully tugs at her arms, saying, "What's awkward about this?" Everything, clearly! Lauren admits she did have a crush on Brody, but it just "felt forced"; the two had "zero chemistry." As much as I would have loved for them to be a thing, it's clear from this scene that Brauren (Lody? BroC?) was not meant to be.

So, there you have it, folks. That was Lauren telling us "the real story." Even though she didn't address not going to Paris. Or the sex tape rumor. Or discuss where things stand today between her and Heidi, or explain WTF was up with Justin Bobby, or mention the logistics of them drinking on camera before they turned 21. (She does, however, say the most interesting thing about her husband William Tell is that he's never seen The Hills. Really, Lauren?! Nothing about his personality?)

MTV: You know what you did! It was a bit of a bait and switch to call this The Hills 10th Anniversary special, when it really should've been called Lauren Conrad, 10 Years Later. We all love LC, but even if you couldn't pull off an entire reunion, I think fans would have preferred to see more than one former Hills cast member reflect on the series. But I guess until I get my full-on reunion show, I'll just have to go back to watching old episodes on Hulu. *Cue Staring, at the blank page before you... *

Gif: Courtesy of Giphy.

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Here's Why LaCroix Is The Drink Of The Summer


Though there are all kinds of alcoholic drinks of the summer (none as good as a Negroni, sorry), this summer has seen the rise of a non-alcoholic summer beverage. LaCroix Sparkling Water has more or less shut the club down in terms of the hippest beverage to consume. The transition happened quietly, sometime in 2015, but has since exploded into prominence.

The former beverage of health-conscious Midwestern moms has become the go-to soda for the Brooklyn blogger set. The New York Times ran a piece about it. Vox hopped on board. The Awl, Time Out New York, and Thrillist ranked its flavors.

There’s even a song about the carbonated water, by the rapper Rakeem. It’s, um...well, listen.

The beat kind of goes. And we have it stuck in our heads. Anyways. Here’s what you need to know about the beverage.

First, it’s pronounced “la croy.” We had personally been guilty of saying “la cwah,” which is either French-sounding or demented. Either one. LaCroix was invented 1981 and named for its birth city of La Crosse and the nearby St. Croix River.

Second, it’s gaining popularity because of the decline of soda. As the drawbacks to drinking soda become more and more obvious, people looked for an alternative.

“LaCroix, a once-sleepy National Beverage Corp. regional brand, is afire with consumers nationwide because of what it doesn’t contain: calories, sweeteners, sodium or anything artificial. Its ingredients are just carbonated water and natural flavor,” the Wall Street Journal writes.

Beware fad foods, naturally.

Third, LaCroix is really cheap. And it’s everywhere. Look at these Whole Foods displays, with a special attention to the price.

Not bad for some not-bad-for-you flavor.

Fourth, LaCroix doesn’t advertise. This is sort of like how Pabst Blue Ribbon rose to national hipster prominence. People noticed that it sucked roughly 10% less than its cheapo competitors. And the fact that nobody saw tasteless ads for their tasty drink made it seem like a little bit of underground cool. As with PBR, so LaCroix.

Five, it looks cool. In 2010, National Beverage relaunched the can with '90s-style neon packaging that catches the eye. Really not much else to say. Color is good.

So that’s pretty much what you need to know. We’re sure that, now that it’s popular, we’ll find out how it’s slowly killing us. But until then, drink up.

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Critics Chime In On Suicide Squad


Over the past few months, you've probably heard people talk about Suicide Squad as if it were the film of summer and Margot Robbie's performance had already won her an Oscar. But the reviews are in, and critics are saying the movie is not worth all the hype, to put it mildly.

Rolling Stone said the film "blows itself to smithereens" and epitomizes "what's been off and awful about recent comic-book epics." The Daily Beast called it a "deranged hot mess." According to Vanity Fair, it "isn't even the good kind of bad."

Even Robbie's highly anticipated performance did not receive rave reviews. Vanity Fair said she, Will Smith, and Viola Davis provide "a tiny bit of light that dimly bathes those of us in the audience" but "eventually succumb to Suicide Squad ’s grim undertow."

After the reviews came out, director David Ayer tweeted an oddly philosophical saying, Screen Rant pointed out.

Ayer's quote, from Emiliano Zapata, translates to “I’d prefer to die standing than to live on my knees.” In other words, rather than just do what's been done before, he decided to try something new and risk being slammed for it. And, unfortunately, it looks like that's exactly what happened.

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This Website Measures When Men Are Talking Too Much


We’ve all been in a conversation where we wondered if men were talking too much.

So developer Cathy Deng developed an elegant and simple solution to determine who’s dominating a conversation. Are Men Talking Too Much is a website with two buttons. One is labeled “a dude” and the other “not a dude.” The site measures if a dude or not a dude is talking more, providing a simple percentage at the top. It’s also optimized for mobile, so you can use it on the go.

Deng says that she came up with the idea after a conference experience.

“What really pushed me to build this was attending a tech meet-up that people celebrate as being inclusive, and yet, event after event, I saw men [acting] as the primary participants,” Deng tells PAPER. “Whenever I pointed these types of things out to men (e.g. ‘Did you notice that only men were asking questions?’) they'd react with surprise, because they're just not as attuned to these things.”

The website is intended to highlight real diversity in tech and other contexts.

“I think people are talking a lot about diversity, but it's also very easy to get into a situation where companies are incentivized to *look* like they are addressing diversity with flashy events and initiatives, and then do nothing behind the scenes,” Deng tells PAPER. "I also see some tokenizing going on, where certain individuals and organizations are consistently held up as examples of diversity in tech.”

And Deng wants people to use this simple tool for other purposes than comparing men and women.

“Gender is only one of many flavors of diversity,” Deng writes on GitHub. “Time talking is a simplistic measure of participation. You're welcome to take this code, adapt it, & produce other hacks for inclusion.”

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