Groupthink, interrupted? With last week's RNC mayhem in the rear-view mirror, here's hoping. This week, shock-jock Uranus — the planet that governs community and technology — flips into its annual retrograde until December 30. This isn't an earth-shaking event. Uranus spends five months of each year in nap mode like this. Actually, it could be a bit of a relief. From 2011 to 2018, Uranus is touring radical, impulsive Aries, which is definitely shaking up the world as we know it. Politics are polarizing and the line between legit reality and AI is getting thinner. But for the rest of the year, we also need to humanize. Stop the Twitter wars and clapbacks. Sit down for a "cameras off" conversation. Make actual eye contact and talk to live people, instead of wandering around in a tech trance. With Uranus retro in accident-prone Aries, some Poké Stops just aren't worth visiting.
On Saturday, messenger Mercury is on the move, sailing out of theatrical Leo's den and moving to sensible Virgo until October 7. This is a longer-than-usual spell. Normally, Mercury hangs in a sign for three weeks, but due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22, the planet will hover in the sign of order and efficiency into early fall. Mercury rules our thought processes and being in Virgo may restore some much-needed sanity to the world. Slowing down to analyze before we react is the key to everything.

July 23 to August 22
Individuality is your sign's calling card. With expressive Mercury lingering in Leo until Saturday, you might as well wear your wild on your sleeve. Literally even, with a little Lisa Frank. Beyond dazzling with your style game, be more daring — and even a little demanding (politely) — in discussions. When Mercury's in your sign, people really listen to what you have to say. Your fearless swagger could get a summer love affair in motion. On Saturday, the fleet-footed messenger trudges on, marching through Virgo and your second house of practical magic until October 7. Yes, the excitement in your social life may die down a bit. But this calmer phase gives you a chance to focus on moneymaking ventures and to develop your big ideas. Working from a plan is a must. Map out budgets, timelines, and resource lists before just rushing ahead with your grandiose mission. Simplify your version 1.0 if that means getting it done without losing your (Technicolor) shirt.
Is there more to learn before you can #levelup? This week, brainy Uranus makes his annual U-turn, retrograding through your ninth house of travel and education until December 30. Sign up for seminars or sessions with a private coach. Experiential learning can expand your horizons, too. Is it time to take that teacher training...in Kauai? It takes money to make money and investing like this could increase your earning power.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

August 23 to September 22
When life gives you lemons, you're the type to make lemonade. (Case in point: Virgo Beyoncé.) Your resourceful sign will always come up with a practical solution, even in the gloomiest of times. But though you're "moving on," are you sipping a poisonous potion of resentment, Virgo? If you've been dwelling on past hurt, you're also recycling that same old pain. This week, awakened Uranus helps you break free from debilitating thought loops. Until December 30, the frenetic planet will be retrograde, helping you review the past and glean the lessons from the pain. Maybe everything happens for a reason. Instead of cursing your nemesis or wishing things turned out differently, ask yourself, "How have I grown stronger from this situation?" Work through jealousy now, too. If you have to hang on that tightly, is it even worth it? Practice letting go a little (or, okay, a lot). Then, you'll see who comes to you naturally. THAT's a true attraction.
New people come your way this weekend, too! Lucky you, Virgo, because flirty, social Mercury is calling your sign home from Saturday until October 7. This is a longer-than-usual cycle, due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. But with Mercury in your sign, you'll feel independently driven and self-possessed like never before. Your popularity is on the rise and you could reconnect to important supporters during this retrograde. Promote your talents and develop plans behind the scenes during Mercury's backspin. Your boldly authentic expression — and perhaps your upgraded image — requires zero filters or fucks.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

September 23 to October 22
You love them, you love them not — when will you stop pulling those petals, Libra? This week, changeable Uranus slips into retrograde in your seventh house of relationships until December 30. For the rest of 2016, you might have mixed feelings about a certain someone — a romantic interest or creative partner. But now, you'll actually be able to pause and do something about it. If it's time to end an unfulfilling (or unstable) relationship, you could finally work up the courage to say goodbye. But before you go to such extremes, tap into experimental Uranus' open-minded qualities. Remember that it takes two to tango: Perhaps you're enabling bad behavior or letting dates get away with treating you like less than a royal. No mas! Drawing clear lines is a must. On the flip-side, this Uranus cycle helps you appreciate someone's enduring qualities. No, maybe it isn't 24/7 fireworks for the two of you. But is there electricity nonetheless? That small spark could become a flame again with a little more quality time and attention.
Plan a spa day for Saturday — or maybe an extended escape to the beach. Social Mercury slips into your divinely inspired 12th house until October 7. You'll feel more solitary, but you'll also do some great work when alone. Create room in your schedule for dates with the muse. Start a meditation practice and keep a dream journal. Your best ideas may come to you in your sleep, so write them down the minute you wake up. Your friend group could go through a change now, too. Don't clutch on if certain people slip away. This just creates space for new and interesting acquaintances to flow in.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

October 23 to November 21
Who's got your back, Scorpio? For the rest of 2016, your cast of supporters may change. Erratic Uranus turns retrograde in your house of helpful people until December 30 and your reliable squad members may drop off. Maybe they have conflicting circumstances or other engagements. Whatever the case, do some outreach and team expansion. And hey, maybe you're putting a little too much pressure on one or two relationships. No one can be your "everything," Scorpio...and your closest connections will improve once you branch out. Uranus' backspin could bring an unusual work assignment your way. Don't bite off more than you can chew, though. If you've been working freelance or as an independent contractor, you may crave more stability. Taking a 9-to-5 gig isn't the worst thing. Or, seek a "whale" client...the big gig that the bills so you don't have to keep on fishing for your fortune.
More team-player momentum arrives this weekend, as social Mercury sails into Virgo and your 11th house of collaborations until October 7. Lift the red-velvet rope and invite new people into your circle. Friends of friends — and people you meet online, even — could become future bandmates, business partners, or Burning Man RV-mates...you just never know. Got an idea for a website, online store, or YouTube series? Dive in to production, but cross out August 30 to September 22 as launch dates, because Mercury will be retrograde then.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

November 22 to December 21
Why choose either/or, Sagittarius, when you can have both? Forward-thinking Uranus flips into retrograde this week, backing through your decadent, romantic fifth house. Stop tormenting yourself with the hunt for "The One." Instead, change your search criteria to "The Two" or "The Three," even. You're a multidimensional being, Sagittarius. Finding one person who can match all those sides of you is basically an exercise in futility. Your ideal sexual partner might not share your love of dive-bar karaoke, for example. And maybe your most compassionate BFF is too left-brained to connect to the artist in you. Romantically, this Uranus cycle could open you up to a little more experimentation. But since the planet is in snooze mode, have clear agreements (read: what constitutes cheating?) and safe-words hashed out so nobody gets hurt.
On Saturday, expressive Mercury heads into your 10th house of career, giving you a glow until October 7. People will see you as a natural leader. But if you don't feel confident stepping up to the plate, consider working with a coach or finding a mentor who can guide you along your ascent. Mingle with the movers and shakers more regularly. Even if you're tae volunteer or intern, showing and proving will help you lock down important contacts for the future. Take webinars and workshops to #levelup your office game!
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

December 22 to January 19
Home is where your suitcase is...right, Capricorn? Ever since experimental Uranus moved into Aries and your domestic zone from 2011 to 2018, you've been a bit more unmoored. If you're not bouncing from rental to rental, maybe you've been on the road for work or hosting a revolving cast of roommates. As a sign that values stability, this has not been easy, even if it is an adventure. So, you'll be happy to know that this week, Uranus falls back into retrograde until December 30 — a blessed time out that allows you to find your center and maybe even put down roots. Reconnect to old friends and supportive family members, too. You're hardworking and independent, but it doesn't have to be so lonely at the top! Of course, if you've been stuck at home base, this retrograde may be the perfect moment to take a break from all those family responsibilities. Schedule a restorative vacation, like a yoga retreat, and don't bring anyone burdensome along!
Speaking of vacations, wanderlust hits you hard this weekend, when mobile Mercury zips into Virgo and your ninth house of travel until October 7. This is three times longer than the usual Mercury cycle, due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Plan your voyage carefully. You don't have to cancel a trip on Mercury's behalf, just read those reviews before booking an Airbnb. Multicultural mingling makes life close to home more exciting. Diversify your friend group and step out of your comfort zone to meet people from different walks of life.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

January 20 to February 18
You've never met a stranger, Aquarius. But are you mistaking mere acquaintances for legit friends? This week, your cosmic ruler, communal Uranus, dips into its annual retrograde. Until December 30, the experimental planet backs up through Aries and your third house of friendship and communication. When it comes to collecting a crew, opt for depth of connection over numbers. Choose a few people you'd like to get to know better and dedicate regular time and energy to them. A few of your go-to hanging partners could become less available for the rest of the year, anyway. It's probably not personal, but if you don't have a backup squad, your feelings could get hurt. Vibing on social media? With techie Uranus napping, don't be overly reliant on status updates and Snapchat stories to stay in touch. Actual face time is where the true bonding goes down. On that note, carefully curate your posts, or your off-the-cuff comments could start a full-on Twitter feud!
This weekend, you'll shift into minx mode as expressive Mercury slinks into Virgo and your erotic eighth house. Because of a retrograde from August 30 to September 22, Mercury will hover here for three times the normal amount it stays in a sign — until October 7! Feeling yourself? You should be. But your logical (and comical) sign sometimes resists being dubbed as sexy. Define it on your own terms, Aquarius — but tap into that kundalini flow by moving your body, massaging your skin with oils, and getting your beauty sleep. When you're relaxed and refreshed, you're more receptive to romance!
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

February 19 to March 20
Can you make a living doing something you love? The planets say yes! But you need a plan, not a pipe dream. This week, innovative Uranus slips into retrograde, retreating into your second house of financial foundations until December 30. Frenetic Uranus is in this part of your chart from 2011 to 2018. Maybe you've bounced like a wild pinball between career paths, starting a new journey only to lose interest and default to the "safe, comfortable" job that is stifling your creativity. With Uranus in nap mode, you'll have the willpower to stay put and develop one of your dreams into something tangible and profitable. If you love what you're doing, how could you earn more? Uranus rules technology, so learning a new digital skill — or selling a web-based product like an online course — could spell money in the bank.
Partnerships percolate with possibility this weekend as friendly Mercury zips into Virgo and your seventh house of relationships until October 7. If you see a dynamic duo in the making, speak up! Whether for business, romance, or a creative collab, you'll find equally eager candidates for some "parallel play." You could meet your match through a social group or a dating app (Mercury rules mobile devices) — good reason to get out and meet some more of the fine citizens of Earth!
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

March 21 to April 19
You've never had a shortage of wild ideas, Aries — many of which are stuffed in closets as half-finished projects. Hey...you just got distracted! But this week, mad-scientist Uranus flips into retrograde, backtracking through your sign until December 30. Fling open storage bins and read through archived messages. You could discover a gem that's worth reviving now. Uranus is the sign of technology, so research software, devices, and other new-fangled inventions that can improve your plan. But make sure you aren't overly reliant on these gadgets, though! Would losing your laptop or iPhone wipe out life as you know it? Back that data up to the cloud and make a point of being present with people in real time, too. Your every moment doesn't have to be recorded in your Snapchat story.
Messenger Mercury is living it up in your playful and romantic fifth house until Saturday. Enjoy the summer social scene — hell, you'll probably dominate it! But this weekend, Mercury downshifts, moving into Virgo and your "pure and simple" sixth house until October 7. Less curly fries more quinoa bowls — you'll prefer feeling grounded with Mercury here. As much as you love the high romance, you could do without the drama. Someone who bored you earlier this summer could suddenly light your fire.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

April 20 to May 20
Who do you think you are, Taurus — like, really? This week's stars spur a minor identity crisis, especially if you've been putting too much importance on aesthetics. High-minded Uranus dips into its annual retrograde, retreating through your spiritual 12th house until December 30. There's a time and a place for a well-edited Instagram post, but behind those polished poses and curated filters is a part of you that simply can't be captured in a photo. And that part is absolutely amazing, Taurus. How to connect? Create more quiet time and spaciousness to dream and connect to the muse. Start a meditation practice — or a "moving meditation," like yoga or dance. Daily journaling helps you connect to your inner voice. Don't fear what it has to say! You know yourself better than you think you do.
And let's focus on your outsides, too. On Saturday, messenger Mercury moves into Virgo for an extended voyage that lasts until October 7. Virgo is the ruler of your fifth house of fame, leadership, and self-expression. Does your appearance represent the true you? It may be time for a "brand refresh," Taurus. Take tips from stylists and graphic designers who can help you cultivate an authentic look. Make it easy for people to understand who you are. Forget following trends; just follow your heart. Speaking of which, this Mercury cycle will be prime for romance. Take the lead in love instead of waiting to be wooed.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

May 21 to June 20
Yes, Gemini, it is possible to be too laid back. This week, bohemian Uranus turns retrograde, backpedaling through your hippie-trippy 11th house until December 30. Check yourself: How often do you go along to get along, not wanting to rock the boat with your (okay...secretly picky) preferences? People-pleasing is a double-edged sword. Sure, you can make anyone like you. But then, you could wind up hating those so-called friends for being "selfish" or "inconsiderate" when you trained them to treat you that way! Stop the cycle. For the rest of 2016, your job is to add your ideas, opinions, and tastes to the collective conversation. Even if you don't wind up with everything on your terms (not the point, anyway) at least your desires will be part of the final vote. If you're not teamed up with the right people, draw back and explore new scenes. Don't rush into any formal collabs, though. It could take until the end of the year to properly vet candidates.
This weekend, home and family are on your mind. Your ruler, mental Mercury, decamps to Virgo until October 7 — an extra-long stay due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Connect to relatives and old friends, especially the female ones. Someone from your inner circle may extra support as the summer closes. If you have a couch for her to crash on or an extra computer she could borrow, great! But don't make sacrifices, Gemini, because helping people at your own expense could damage the relationship. Put clear parameters in place, like offering your spare room for a set amount of time and some rent money (up front!). A fair-and-equal exchange of resources keeps your most-important bonds tight.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

June 21 to July 22
Married to the job? This week, start scheming: How can you earn more money while also creating greater freedom for yourself? Geeking out is one possibility. This week, tech-savvy Uranus turns retrograde in your career zone until December 30. You might learn a new piece of software that bumps you into a higher pay grade; or maybe, you'll master social media, so you can help small businesses spread the love...or even create your own app. The retrograde is best for behind-the-scenes development, so no need to rush. Just explore! Working with a different team can also change everything. Uranus is the planet of community, so start networking with the influencers. If you're not ready to score a job, maybe you'll land an internship. It's never too soon to start building those VIP connections.
On Saturday, your social-butterfly wings really start flapping. Expressive Mercury moves into your third house of friendship, communication, and cooperation until October 7 — a longer-than-usual tour due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Soar beyond the radius of your inner circle, Cancer, because new people and fresh scenes beckon. (During the retrograde, you could reunite with someone from your old crew, too.) Turn solo projects into dynamic duos and you'll quickly give them life. But hash out a contract if money is changing hands to keep everything clear and copacetic.
Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.
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