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Your Horoscope This Week

Illustrated by John Lisle.Photographed by Christine Hahn.

Groupthink, interrupted? With last week's RNC mayhem in the rear-view mirror, here's hoping. This week, shock-jock Uranus — the planet that governs community and technology — flips into its annual retrograde until December 30. This isn't an earth-shaking event. Uranus spends five months of each year in nap mode like this. Actually, it could be a bit of a relief. From 2011 to 2018, Uranus is touring radical, impulsive Aries, which is definitely shaking up the world as we know it. Politics are polarizing and the line between legit reality and AI is getting thinner. But for the rest of the year, we also need to humanize. Stop the Twitter wars and clapbacks. Sit down for a "cameras off" conversation. Make actual eye contact and talk to live people, instead of wandering around in a tech trance. With Uranus retro in accident-prone Aries, some Poké Stops just aren't worth visiting.

On Saturday, messenger Mercury is on the move, sailing out of theatrical Leo's den and moving to sensible Virgo until October 7. This is a longer-than-usual spell. Normally, Mercury hangs in a sign for three weeks, but due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22, the planet will hover in the sign of order and efficiency into early fall. Mercury rules our thought processes and being in Virgo may restore some much-needed sanity to the world. Slowing down to analyze before we react is the key to everything.


July 23 to August 22

Individuality is your sign's calling card. With expressive Mercury lingering in Leo until Saturday, you might as well wear your wild on your sleeve. Literally even, with a little Lisa Frank. Beyond dazzling with your style game, be more daring — and even a little demanding (politely) — in discussions. When Mercury's in your sign, people really listen to what you have to say. Your fearless swagger could get a summer love affair in motion. On Saturday, the fleet-footed messenger trudges on, marching through Virgo and your second house of practical magic until October 7. Yes, the excitement in your social life may die down a bit. But this calmer phase gives you a chance to focus on moneymaking ventures and to develop your big ideas. Working from a plan is a must. Map out budgets, timelines, and resource lists before just rushing ahead with your grandiose mission. Simplify your version 1.0 if that means getting it done without losing your (Technicolor) shirt.

Is there more to learn before you can #levelup? This week, brainy Uranus makes his annual U-turn, retrograding through your ninth house of travel and education until December 30. Sign up for seminars or sessions with a private coach. Experiential learning can expand your horizons, too. Is it time to take that teacher training...in Kauai? It takes money to make money and investing like this could increase your earning power.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


August 23 to September 22

When life gives you lemons, you're the type to make lemonade. (Case in point: Virgo Beyoncé.) Your resourceful sign will always come up with a practical solution, even in the gloomiest of times. But though you're "moving on," are you sipping a poisonous potion of resentment, Virgo? If you've been dwelling on past hurt, you're also recycling that same old pain. This week, awakened Uranus helps you break free from debilitating thought loops. Until December 30, the frenetic planet will be retrograde, helping you review the past and glean the lessons from the pain. Maybe everything happens for a reason. Instead of cursing your nemesis or wishing things turned out differently, ask yourself, "How have I grown stronger from this situation?" Work through jealousy now, too. If you have to hang on that tightly, is it even worth it? Practice letting go a little (or, okay, a lot). Then, you'll see who comes to you naturally. THAT's a true attraction.

New people come your way this weekend, too! Lucky you, Virgo, because flirty, social Mercury is calling your sign home from Saturday until October 7. This is a longer-than-usual cycle, due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. But with Mercury in your sign, you'll feel independently driven and self-possessed like never before. Your popularity is on the rise and you could reconnect to important supporters during this retrograde. Promote your talents and develop plans behind the scenes during Mercury's backspin. Your boldly authentic expression — and perhaps your upgraded image — requires zero filters or fucks.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


September 23 to October 22

You love them, you love them not — when will you stop pulling those petals, Libra? This week, changeable Uranus slips into retrograde in your seventh house of relationships until December 30. For the rest of 2016, you might have mixed feelings about a certain someone — a romantic interest or creative partner. But now, you'll actually be able to pause and do something about it. If it's time to end an unfulfilling (or unstable) relationship, you could finally work up the courage to say goodbye. But before you go to such extremes, tap into experimental Uranus' open-minded qualities. Remember that it takes two to tango: Perhaps you're enabling bad behavior or letting dates get away with treating you like less than a royal. No mas! Drawing clear lines is a must. On the flip-side, this Uranus cycle helps you appreciate someone's enduring qualities. No, maybe it isn't 24/7 fireworks for the two of you. But is there electricity nonetheless? That small spark could become a flame again with a little more quality time and attention.

Plan a spa day for Saturday — or maybe an extended escape to the beach. Social Mercury slips into your divinely inspired 12th house until October 7. You'll feel more solitary, but you'll also do some great work when alone. Create room in your schedule for dates with the muse. Start a meditation practice and keep a dream journal. Your best ideas may come to you in your sleep, so write them down the minute you wake up. Your friend group could go through a change now, too. Don't clutch on if certain people slip away. This just creates space for new and interesting acquaintances to flow in.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


October 23 to November 21

Who's got your back, Scorpio? For the rest of 2016, your cast of supporters may change. Erratic Uranus turns retrograde in your house of helpful people until December 30 and your reliable squad members may drop off. Maybe they have conflicting circumstances or other engagements. Whatever the case, do some outreach and team expansion. And hey, maybe you're putting a little too much pressure on one or two relationships. No one can be your "everything," Scorpio...and your closest connections will improve once you branch out. Uranus' backspin could bring an unusual work assignment your way. Don't bite off more than you can chew, though. If you've been working freelance or as an independent contractor, you may crave more stability. Taking a 9-to-5 gig isn't the worst thing. Or, seek a "whale" client...the big gig that the bills so you don't have to keep on fishing for your fortune.

More team-player momentum arrives this weekend, as social Mercury sails into Virgo and your 11th house of collaborations until October 7. Lift the red-velvet rope and invite new people into your circle. Friends of friends — and people you meet online, even — could become future bandmates, business partners, or Burning Man RV-mates...you just never know. Got an idea for a website, online store, or YouTube series? Dive in to production, but cross out August 30 to September 22 as launch dates, because Mercury will be retrograde then.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


November 22 to December 21

Why choose either/or, Sagittarius, when you can have both? Forward-thinking Uranus flips into retrograde this week, backing through your decadent, romantic fifth house. Stop tormenting yourself with the hunt for "The One." Instead, change your search criteria to "The Two" or "The Three," even. You're a multidimensional being, Sagittarius. Finding one person who can match all those sides of you is basically an exercise in futility. Your ideal sexual partner might not share your love of dive-bar karaoke, for example. And maybe your most compassionate BFF is too left-brained to connect to the artist in you. Romantically, this Uranus cycle could open you up to a little more experimentation. But since the planet is in snooze mode, have clear agreements (read: what constitutes cheating?) and safe-words hashed out so nobody gets hurt.

On Saturday, expressive Mercury heads into your 10th house of career, giving you a glow until October 7. People will see you as a natural leader. But if you don't feel confident stepping up to the plate, consider working with a coach or finding a mentor who can guide you along your ascent. Mingle with the movers and shakers more regularly. Even if you're tae volunteer or intern, showing and proving will help you lock down important contacts for the future. Take webinars and workshops to #levelup your office game!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


December 22 to January 19

Home is where your suitcase is...right, Capricorn? Ever since experimental Uranus moved into Aries and your domestic zone from 2011 to 2018, you've been a bit more unmoored. If you're not bouncing from rental to rental, maybe you've been on the road for work or hosting a revolving cast of roommates. As a sign that values stability, this has not been easy, even if it is an adventure. So, you'll be happy to know that this week, Uranus falls back into retrograde until December 30 — a blessed time out that allows you to find your center and maybe even put down roots. Reconnect to old friends and supportive family members, too. You're hardworking and independent, but it doesn't have to be so lonely at the top! Of course, if you've been stuck at home base, this retrograde may be the perfect moment to take a break from all those family responsibilities. Schedule a restorative vacation, like a yoga retreat, and don't bring anyone burdensome along!

Speaking of vacations, wanderlust hits you hard this weekend, when mobile Mercury zips into Virgo and your ninth house of travel until October 7. This is three times longer than the usual Mercury cycle, due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Plan your voyage carefully. You don't have to cancel a trip on Mercury's behalf, just read those reviews before booking an Airbnb. Multicultural mingling makes life close to home more exciting. Diversify your friend group and step out of your comfort zone to meet people from different walks of life.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


January 20 to February 18

You've never met a stranger, Aquarius. But are you mistaking mere acquaintances for legit friends? This week, your cosmic ruler, communal Uranus, dips into its annual retrograde. Until December 30, the experimental planet backs up through Aries and your third house of friendship and communication. When it comes to collecting a crew, opt for depth of connection over numbers. Choose a few people you'd like to get to know better and dedicate regular time and energy to them. A few of your go-to hanging partners could become less available for the rest of the year, anyway. It's probably not personal, but if you don't have a backup squad, your feelings could get hurt. Vibing on social media? With techie Uranus napping, don't be overly reliant on status updates and Snapchat stories to stay in touch. Actual face time is where the true bonding goes down. On that note, carefully curate your posts, or your off-the-cuff comments could start a full-on Twitter feud!

This weekend, you'll shift into minx mode as expressive Mercury slinks into Virgo and your erotic eighth house. Because of a retrograde from August 30 to September 22, Mercury will hover here for three times the normal amount it stays in a sign — until October 7! Feeling yourself? You should be. But your logical (and comical) sign sometimes resists being dubbed as sexy. Define it on your own terms, Aquarius — but tap into that kundalini flow by moving your body, massaging your skin with oils, and getting your beauty sleep. When you're relaxed and refreshed, you're more receptive to romance!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


February 19 to March 20

Can you make a living doing something you love? The planets say yes! But you need a plan, not a pipe dream. This week, innovative Uranus slips into retrograde, retreating into your second house of financial foundations until December 30. Frenetic Uranus is in this part of your chart from 2011 to 2018. Maybe you've bounced like a wild pinball between career paths, starting a new journey only to lose interest and default to the "safe, comfortable" job that is stifling your creativity. With Uranus in nap mode, you'll have the willpower to stay put and develop one of your dreams into something tangible and profitable. If you love what you're doing, how could you earn more? Uranus rules technology, so learning a new digital skill — or selling a web-based product like an online course — could spell money in the bank.

Partnerships percolate with possibility this weekend as friendly Mercury zips into Virgo and your seventh house of relationships until October 7. If you see a dynamic duo in the making, speak up! Whether for business, romance, or a creative collab, you'll find equally eager candidates for some "parallel play." You could meet your match through a social group or a dating app (Mercury rules mobile devices) — good reason to get out and meet some more of the fine citizens of Earth!

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


March 21 to April 19

You've never had a shortage of wild ideas, Aries — many of which are stuffed in closets as half-finished projects. Hey...you just got distracted! But this week, mad-scientist Uranus flips into retrograde, backtracking through your sign until December 30. Fling open storage bins and read through archived messages. You could discover a gem that's worth reviving now. Uranus is the sign of technology, so research software, devices, and other new-fangled inventions that can improve your plan. But make sure you aren't overly reliant on these gadgets, though! Would losing your laptop or iPhone wipe out life as you know it? Back that data up to the cloud and make a point of being present with people in real time, too. Your every moment doesn't have to be recorded in your Snapchat story.

Messenger Mercury is living it up in your playful and romantic fifth house until Saturday. Enjoy the summer social scene — hell, you'll probably dominate it! But this weekend, Mercury downshifts, moving into Virgo and your "pure and simple" sixth house until October 7. Less curly fries more quinoa bowls — you'll prefer feeling grounded with Mercury here. As much as you love the high romance, you could do without the drama. Someone who bored you earlier this summer could suddenly light your fire.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


April 20 to May 20

Who do you think you are, Taurus — like, really? This week's stars spur a minor identity crisis, especially if you've been putting too much importance on aesthetics. High-minded Uranus dips into its annual retrograde, retreating through your spiritual 12th house until December 30. There's a time and a place for a well-edited Instagram post, but behind those polished poses and curated filters is a part of you that simply can't be captured in a photo. And that part is absolutely amazing, Taurus. How to connect? Create more quiet time and spaciousness to dream and connect to the muse. Start a meditation practice — or a "moving meditation," like yoga or dance. Daily journaling helps you connect to your inner voice. Don't fear what it has to say! You know yourself better than you think you do.

And let's focus on your outsides, too. On Saturday, messenger Mercury moves into Virgo for an extended voyage that lasts until October 7. Virgo is the ruler of your fifth house of fame, leadership, and self-expression. Does your appearance represent the true you? It may be time for a "brand refresh," Taurus. Take tips from stylists and graphic designers who can help you cultivate an authentic look. Make it easy for people to understand who you are. Forget following trends; just follow your heart. Speaking of which, this Mercury cycle will be prime for romance. Take the lead in love instead of waiting to be wooed.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


May 21 to June 20

Yes, Gemini, it is possible to be too laid back. This week, bohemian Uranus turns retrograde, backpedaling through your hippie-trippy 11th house until December 30. Check yourself: How often do you go along to get along, not wanting to rock the boat with your (okay...secretly picky) preferences? People-pleasing is a double-edged sword. Sure, you can make anyone like you. But then, you could wind up hating those so-called friends for being "selfish" or "inconsiderate" when you trained them to treat you that way! Stop the cycle. For the rest of 2016, your job is to add your ideas, opinions, and tastes to the collective conversation. Even if you don't wind up with everything on your terms (not the point, anyway) at least your desires will be part of the final vote. If you're not teamed up with the right people, draw back and explore new scenes. Don't rush into any formal collabs, though. It could take until the end of the year to properly vet candidates.

This weekend, home and family are on your mind. Your ruler, mental Mercury, decamps to Virgo until October 7 — an extra-long stay due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Connect to relatives and old friends, especially the female ones. Someone from your inner circle may extra support as the summer closes. If you have a couch for her to crash on or an extra computer she could borrow, great! But don't make sacrifices, Gemini, because helping people at your own expense could damage the relationship. Put clear parameters in place, like offering your spare room for a set amount of time and some rent money (up front!). A fair-and-equal exchange of resources keeps your most-important bonds tight.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.


June 21 to July 22

Married to the job? This week, start scheming: How can you earn more money while also creating greater freedom for yourself? Geeking out is one possibility. This week, tech-savvy Uranus turns retrograde in your career zone until December 30. You might learn a new piece of software that bumps you into a higher pay grade; or maybe, you'll master social media, so you can help small businesses spread the love...or even create your own app. The retrograde is best for behind-the-scenes development, so no need to rush. Just explore! Working with a different team can also change everything. Uranus is the planet of community, so start networking with the influencers. If you're not ready to score a job, maybe you'll land an internship. It's never too soon to start building those VIP connections.

On Saturday, your social-butterfly wings really start flapping. Expressive Mercury moves into your third house of friendship, communication, and cooperation until October 7 — a longer-than-usual tour due to a retrograde from August 30 to September 22. Soar beyond the radius of your inner circle, Cancer, because new people and fresh scenes beckon. (During the retrograde, you could reunite with someone from your old crew, too.) Turn solo projects into dynamic duos and you'll quickly give them life. But hash out a contract if money is changing hands to keep everything clear and copacetic.

Illustrated by John Lisle.
Photographed by Christine Hahn.

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Your Horoscope This Week

Your Horoscope This Week

Lindsay Lohan Accuses Her Fiancé Of Cheating


Lindsay Lohan 's whirlwind romance may have hit a bump.

The former child star took to social media to share accusations about her fiancé, Russian millionaire Egor Tarabasov. Among her cryptic posts is an allegation that the 23-year-old Tarabasov cheated on her with a sex worker.

Lohan hinted that there was trouble in paradise by sharing an Instagram photo with her lover's face scribbled out. The accompanying caption quotes the Nancy Sinatra song "Bang Bang," which is about a couple at odds.

He wore black and I wore white.... 🙉🙈🙊⚓️ I guess #art is whatever you make of it.

A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on

She also posted, and then deleted, snaps about the situation. "My fiancé's being really angry at me, but I'm drinking water to get him to come home," she said in one video. "Honey, come home, please."

The tirade also popped up on Twitter. From the sound of it, Tarabasov not only didn't come home, he allegedly cheated on her with a "Russian hooker," whose details Lohan tweeted out. The linked Instagram account has since been deleted.

Perhaps the most head-scratching tweet is the one that hints that the actress may be pregnant. Either that, or she's trying to drum up support for her 2009 flop, Labor Pains.

Tarabasov has yet to comment.

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Micheal Bloomberg Endorses Hillary Clinton


The 2016 presidential election has been a captivating contest.

If you feel like sometimes you can't look away, well, you're not alone. Even celebrities are finding themselves drawn into the candidates campaigns, and Refinery29 has curated a selection of who prominent stars and politicians are supporting.

Hollywood has never shied awa y from getting involved in political and social issues, and the coming election is not breaking tradition. There are a ton of celebrities who have been lending their time, money, and talents to the various political campaigns. And many of them aren't just contributing the weight of a famous name– plenty of celebrities have been getting in on the ground with phone banks or fundraising.

If you're curious as to who's won the crucial Kardashian vote, or who not-so-secretly supports Trump, we've got your answers. We'll be updating this list as more celebrities — and well-known politicians — make their opinions known, so if there's someone you don't see, feel free to tell us who we've missed!

This story was originally published on January 29, 2016.

Michael Bloomberg supports Hillary Clinton.

On Sunday, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced that he would endorse Hillary Clinton for president in a prime-time address during the Democratic National Convention.

“As the nation’s leading independent and a pragmatic business leader, Mike has supported candidates from both sides of the aisle. This week in Philadelphia, he will make a strong case that the clear choice in this election is Hillary Clinton," Howard Wolfson, a senior adviser to Bloomberg, told The New York Times.

Bloomberg had weighed his own run for the presidency this election cycle, but decided not to. He was concerned that an independent campaign could benefit Donald Trump.

Photo: Santiago Felipe/Getty Images.

Viggo Mortensen supports Jill Stein.

Actor Viggo Mortensen used to support Sen. Bernie Sanders, but now that he's out of the race, the Lord of the Rings star has said he supports the Green Party candidate, Jill Stein.

“If you want a woman, then vote for Jill Stein,” he said in an interview with The Daily Beast. “If you really want a woman president — if that’s what you want — vote for Jill Stein," he continued.

He added, "I trust Hillary about as much as I trust Donald Trump. I think she’s dishonest, I don’t think she has the interests of working people at heart, and I think she’s shown that time and again. All the things that Bernie Sanders said about her, I agree with.”

Photo: Jason LaVeris/Getty Images.

Lin-Manuel Miranda supports Hillary Clinton.

Hamilton 's creator has cast his vote! In a special fundraising performance for Hillary Clinton on July 12, Lin-Manuel Miranda said: “Today you’ve heard from the first president of the United States. You’ve heard Hamilton talk smack about the second president of the United States. You’ve heard from the third president of the United States. You’ve heard from the fourth president of the United States, and right now you’re gonna hear from the 45th president of the United States. Here’s Hillary Clinton.”

Photo: Yana Paskova/Getty Images.

Caitlyn Jenner supports Donald Trump.

In an interview with STAT, Jenner explained why she votes Republican. "I'm on the conservative Republican side," Jenner told Rick Berke. "Trump seems to be very much for women. He seems very much behind the LGBT community because of what happened in North Carolina with the bathroom issue. He backed the LGBT community."

Photo: Jemal Countess/Getty Images.

Teresa Giudice supports Donald Trump.

There’s no doubt in Teresa Giudice’s mind: Donald Trump will be getting her vote.

This is what the star of The Real Housewives of New Jersey told Andy Cohen during his show, Watch What Happens Live, back in February.

"Of course I'm going to vote for Donald Trump," the reality show star told Cohen. "I think he's amazing. I think he'll make a great president.

Back in 2012, Giudice and her husband Joe participated in Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice. In her book, Turning the Tables: From Housewife to Inmate and Back Again, she wrote that the Trump liked the couple almost immediately.

Photo: Manny Carabel/Getty Images.

Oprah Winfrey supports Hillary Clinton.

“I’m with her.”

That’s what Oprah Winfrey told Entertainment Tonight during the premiere of her new show, Greenleaf, making it clear that she supports Hillary Clinton.

“Regardless of your politics, it’s a seminal moment for women," she told ET. "What this says is, there is no ceiling, that ceiling just went boom! It says anything is possible when you can be leader of the free world."

The media mogul is confident that the presumptive Democratic nominee has a really good chance of securing the Oval Office this next fall.

"I really believe that is going to happen," Oprah said. "It's about time that we make that decision."

Photo: Krista Kennell/Variety/REX/Shutterstock.

The AFL-CIO supports Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton has won the endorsement of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, the nation’s largest federation of unions.

Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, said in a statement that Clinton “is a proven leader who shares our values."

He added, "Throughout the campaign, she has demonstrated a strong commitment to the issues that matter to working people, and our members have taken notice."

The labor federation represents 12.5 million members, and it’s expected to be a large force in voter turnout this fall.

Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren supports Hillary Clinton.

Senator Elizabeth Warren announced she endorses the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton, in an MSNBC interview with Rachel Maddow.

“I'm ready. I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton to become the next president of the United States and to make sure that Donald Trump never gets any place close to the White House,” the Massachusetts senator said.

Her endorsement came on the same day that President Obama formally announced his support for Clinton’s candidacy.

Photo: Ron Sachs/REX/Shutterstock.

Roseanne Barr supports Donald Trump.

Comedian Roseanne Barr said in an interview that she supports Donald Trump.

“I think we would be so lucky if Trump won. Because then it wouldn't be Hillary,” the Roseanne star told The Hollywood Reporter about the presumptive Republican nominee.

She continued, “I like Trump because he financed his own [campaign]. That's the only way he could've gotten that nomination. Because nobody wants a president who isn't from Yale and Harvard and in the club.”

Update: July 6, 2016: Barr has since walked back the comments she made to The Hollywood Reporter last month. “I did not endorse Donald Trump,” she recently told Yahoo in an interview. "I endorse myself," she added.

Photo: BFANYC/REX/Shutterstock.

President Obama supports Hillary Clinton.

President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton just a couple of days after she became the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"I don’t think there’s ever been someone so qualified to hold this office. She’s got the courage, the compassion, and the heart to get the job done," Obama said in a video released on social media by the Clinton campaign. "I have seen her judgment. I've seen her toughness. I've seen her commitment to our values up close."

Cher supports Hillary Clinton.

Cher officially endorsed Hillary Clinton at her "She's With Us" concert in June. "I've known her for a long time now, and I have to say that no matter which way the political winds have blown at any moment, her moral compass has always pointed towards grace, justice for genders, and justice for sexual orientation, which is big for me. All of those things are important to me," Cher said of Clinton at the event.

The singer also used the concert as an opportunity to speak out against Donald Trump. "When I see Trump talking, I just want to blow my brains out, well, maybe not my brains but I'm just like, 'What are you talking about, Jesus!'" Cher said at the event. "I know that Hillary fights for equality for all people, and we are no good unless all of us are equal."

Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images.

Nancy Pelosi supports Hillary Clinton.

Just hours after Hillary Clinton presumptively clinched the Democratic nomination, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi voiced her support for the candidate. "I'm a voter in California, and I have voted for Hillary Clinton for president of the United States, and I'm proud to endorse her for that position. But I hasten to say that it's not over until it's over," Pelosi told ABC's Good Morning America.

Photo: Cliff Owen/ AP Photo.

Paul Ryan supports Donald Trump.

After hinting in various speeches that he disagreed with presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan tweeted on June 2 that he will vote for Trump in the general election. "I'll be voting for @realDonaldTrump this fall. I'm confident he will help turn the House GOP's agenda into laws," Ryan tweeted. He also wrote an op-ed for his hometown newspaper, T he Janesville Gazette, explaining that, "On the issues that make up our agenda, we have more common ground than disagreement."

Photo: Pablo Martinez Monsivais/ AP Photo.

California Gov. Jerry Brown supports Hillary Clinton.

The Democratic governor endorsed Hillary Clinton's presidential bid, but he also praised Sanders' campaign. "I have closely watched the primaries and am deeply impressed with how well Bernie Sanders has done. He has driven home the message that the top 1% has unfairly captured way too much of America's wealth, leaving the majority of people far behind," Brown wrote in an open letter to California Democrats. "In 1992, I attempted a similar campaign."

Brown also wrote, "I have decided to cast my vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe this is the only path forward to win the presidency and stop the dangerous candidacy of Donald Trump." The Washington Post called Brown's letter a "lukewarm endorsement."

Photo: Rich Pedroncelli/ AP Photo.

North Korea's state-run newspaper, DPRK Today, supports Donald Trump.

In an editorial, DPRK Today called Donald Trump a "wise politician" and a "farsighted candidate," ABC News reports.

The editorial also said that, "The president that U.S. citizens must vote for is not that dull Hillary but Trump, who spoke of holding direct conversation with North Korea."

Photo: Wong Maye-E/ AP Photo.

Piper Kerman supports Hillary Clinton.

On Wednesday, comic editor Heather Antos tweeted, "Trump getting elected after Obama was not what they meant by Orange is the New Black."

Piper Kerman, who wrote the memoir the popular Netflix show, Orange Is the New Black, is based on, saw the tweet and was quick to respond with a humorous message of her own. "Correct. That is NOT what I meant. #NeverTrump #ImWithHer," Kerman wrote, linking to Antos' original tweet.

The use of Hillary Clinton's "#ImWithHer" hashtag, as well as the "#NeverTrump" hashtag, leaves little doubt about who Kerman is supporting (and not supporting) this election season.

Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images.

Azealia Banks supports Donald Trump.

Rapper Azealia Banks has never been afraid to speak her mind, but many people were surprised when she shared a message of support for Donald Trump. On May 7, Banks tweeted a string of messages, starting with "I REALLY want Donald Trump to win the election." She went on to write that "Bernie Sanders didn't have the clout" and that Hillary Clinton is "another one of the establishments robots."

Banks had previously expressed support for Trump in February, tweeting, "Ok so, I think I'm ready to admit that I'm going to vote for Donald Trump." At the time, Banks went on to explain that the businessman is "the only one who truly has the balls to bust up big business."

Photo: John Sciulli/Getty Images.

Rick Perry supports Donald Trump.

After Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropped out of the 2016 race, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced that he will support Donald Trump. "He is not a perfect man. But what I do believe is that he loves this country, and he will surround himself with capable, experienced people, and he will listen to them," Perry told CNN. "He wasn't my first choice, wasn't my second choice, but he is the people's choice."

Photo: Daniel Acker/Getty Images.

Aaron Carter supports Donald Trump.

Aaron’s party is the one that Trump’s running in. On February 27, the singer retweeted a Trump comment about his self-funded campaign, adding, “Does America want to have a president who FOLLOWS or someone who leads? I vote For @realdonaldtrump.”

Update: April 30, 2016: Aaron Carter withdrew his support for Trump in a tweet on Friday. "I've seen a lot and to ME. It's just something I can't take part in. Too many reasons," he tweeted.

Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic.

Kirstie Alley supports Donald Trump.

On April 8, the actress and spokeswoman endorsed Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, tweeting, "Add me to your list boys!"

Later that same evening, she added, “Takes balls to go for POTUS... My hat’s off to ANYONE brave enough to aspire & give it their best shot.”

Photo: Cindy Ord/Getty Images.

Scott Walker supports Ted Cruz.

The Wisconsin governor announced Tuesday that he is endorsing Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential bid. In an interview with conservative radio host Charlie Sykes, Walker said, "After all these years of the Obama-Clinton failures, it's time we elect a strong new leader, and I've chosen to endorse Ted Cruz," CNN reports.

Wisconsin's primaries are on April 5, so we'll have to wait and see whether the governor's endorsement will influence how his state votes. Walker dropped out of the 2016 presidential race in September.

Photo: Bloomberg/Getty Images.

Jeb Bush supports Ted Cruz.

Bush endorsed his former rival, saying that Cruz is "a consistent, principled conservative who has demonstrated the ability to appeal to voters and win primary contests," according to a statement obtained by Politico.

Bush also got in a dig at GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the announcement. "For the sake of our party and country, we must move to overcome the divisiveness and vulgarity Donald Trump has brought into the political arena, or we will certainly lose our chance to defeat the Democratic nominee and reverse President Obama’s failed policies," Bush said in the statement.

Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images.

Rolling Stone supports Hillary Clinton.

In a statement released by Rolling Stone on March 23, the magazine announced that it supports former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. Its March 25 issue features an editorial by Jann S. Wenner, publisher and editor at the magazine, about the endorsement. Wenner writes that Clinton is the "clear and urgent choice" this campaign season. "It's easy to blame billionaires for everything, but quite another to know what to do about it," Wenner writes.

George and Amal Clooney support Hillary Clinton.

George Clooney endorsed Hillary Clinton 's presidential bid in an email to her supporters — and he managed to take a jab at GOP front-runner Donald Trump in the letter, too.

Clooney called Clinton "the only grown-up in the room" in the email. "If you listen to the loudest voices out there today, you'd think we're a country that hates Mexicans, hates Muslims, and thinks that committing war crimes is the best way to make America great again," Clooney wrote, referencing Trump's campaign claims. "The truth is that the only thing that would prevent America from being great would be to empower these voices."

If you agree with Clooney's statements — and you're a fan of the actor — you're in luck: Clinton supporters can enter a contest to attend a campaign event at the Clooneys' house to support the candidate. All you have to do to enter is text "CLOONEY" to 47246, People reports.

Photo: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images.

Viola Davis supports Hillary Clinton.

In an ad for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, Kerry Washington, Viola Davis, and Ellen Pompeo pledged their support for the Democratic candidate. The actresses, along with Shonda Rhimes, the creator of the ABC shows the women star in, explain in the ad that while their TV characters — who are all powerful women — don't exist in the real world, Hillary Clinton does, and they all believe she's the best choice for president. "I'm with Hillary," the trio announces in the video.

Photo: Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images.

Ellen Pompeo supports Hillary Clinton.

Pompeo announced, along with her Shondaland costars Viola Davis and Kerry Washington, that she is a Hillary Clinton supporter. The actresses shared their endorsement of Clinton in a new campaign ad, also starring Shonda Rhimes, herself.

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images.

Ben Carson supports Donald Trump.

The retired neurosurgeon and former Republican presidential candidate endorsed GOP front-runner Donald Trump on March 11, praising Trump's "outsider's perspective." Carson delivered the news at a press conference with Trump in Palm Beach, Florida, just days ahead of the state's primary elections.

"What I've been seeing recently is political operatives…once again trying to assert themselves and trying to thwart the will of the people," Carson said at the news conference. "I find that to be an extraordinarily dangerous place right now."

Photo: REX/Shutterstock.

Carly Fiorina supports Ted Cruz.

On March 9, one-time GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina announced that she's supporting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's bid for the White House. The former Hewlett-Packard CEO made the announcement at a rally in Miami, saying that, "It is time to unite behind Ted Cruz," Politico reports.

Fiorina also took aim at GOP front-runner Donald Trump. "Other people in our party are kind of horrified by Donald Trump," Fiorina said in Miami. "Here's the thing: We're not going to beat Donald Trump by having our party tsk tsk over our voters. We're going to have to beat Donald Trump at the ballot box."

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock.

Arnold Schwarzenegger supports John Kasich.

On Sunday, March 6, former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Ohio Gov. John Kasich's presidential bid. Schwarzenegger said Kasich, a former congressman, "was an action hero when he went to Washington," ABC News reports.

"We need John Kasich to now take charge and be at the White House," Schwarzenegger said at an event in Ohio, according to NBC News. "And this is why I endorse John Kasich, our great governor, to be our Republican nominee and to be the next president of the United States of America — the greatest country in the world."

A lot is riding on Ohio's primaries for Kasich. The candidate has said that if he doesn't win the Republican primary in his home state on March 15, he will leave the presidential race, NBC News reports.

Photo: Ty Wright/Getty Images.

Spike Lee supports Bernie Sanders.

In a radio ad released on February 23, Spike Lee announced his official endorsement of Bernie Sanders' 2016 presidential campaign. "This is your dude, Spike Lee. And I know that you know that the system is rigged! For too long, we've given our votes to corporate puppets," Lee said in the ad. "That's why I am officially endorsing my brother, Bernie Sanders...when Bernie gets in the White House, he will do the right thing."

In the ad, Lee cited Sanders' civil rights record as a reason he supports the Vermont senator's presidential ambitions.

Photo: Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images.

Will Ferrell supports Hillary Clinton.

Will Ferrell started the 2016 campaign season as a Bernie Sanders supporter — but now, he's supporting Sanders' Democratic primary rival, Hillary Clinton. Ferrell originally appeared on Sanders' official campaign list of celebrity supporters, CNN notes, but he recently campaigned for Clinton in Nevada. Ahead of the Nevada Democratic caucus, Ferrell urged his Twitter followers to "caucus for Hillary."

It's not all bad blood, though — in a statement provided to CNN, Ferrell said, "whoever the Democratic nominee is, they will have my vote."

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images.

Morgan Freeman supports Hillary Clinton.

Morgan Freeman lent his voice to a campaign ad for Hillary Clinton that focuses on her civil rights record. The ad spot came ahead of the South Carolina Democratic primary on February 27.

"Her life's work has been about breaking barriers, and so would her presidency," Freeman said in the ad. "She understands that our country can't reach its potential unless we all do."

Photo: Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images.

Emily Ratajkowski supports Bernie Sanders.

Model and actress Emily Ratajkowski introduced Bernie Sanders at a campaign rally earlier this month. She also shared her support for Sanders by posting a photo of herself in a "Bernie" sweater on Instagram.

Photo: Via @emrata.

Chloë Grace Moretz supports Hillary Clinton.

In February, Chloë Grace Moretz campaigned for Hillary Clinton in Las Vegas, encouraging young people to make their voices heard.

"We have to go out there, we have to use our voice and our vote," Moretz said at the campaign event.

Photo: Ethan Miller/Getty Images.

Kendall Jenner supports Hillary Clinton.

For her very first presidential election, 20-year-old Jenner is supporting Hillary Clinton. She tweeted a photo of her wearing a Marc Jacobs tee with Clinton's face with the hashtag #ImWithHer.

Photo: via @KendallJenner.

Lena Dunham supports Hillary Clinton.

Dunham has campaigned for Clinton, wearing a variety of Clinton-themed outfits, and speaking on her behalf in Iowa, saying,

"I can't talk about Hillary Clinton without also acknowledging that she has survived horrific, gendered attacks on nearly every single aspect of her character with tremendous grace and aplomb."

Photo: Via @hillaryclinton.

Amy Schumer supports Hillary Clinton.

Schumer has posted multiple photos featuring her posing with Clinton on Instagram. In an interview with AOL, she called herself a "huge fan" of the Democratic candidate.

Photo: Via @amyschumer.

Demi Lovato supports Hillary Clinton.

Lovato performed at a rally for Clinton, saying, "I am voting for her because I truly believe that there is nobody more qualified to run this country — our country — than our secretary of state."

Photo: Via @hillaryclinton.

Katy Perry supports Hillary Clinton.

Perry performed for a Clinton rally in Iowa, encouraging the crowd to vote, saying, "So much change can happen. Let's go Hillary!"

Photo: Via @hillaryclinton

Kerry Washington supports Hillary Clinton.

Washington spoke about Clinton's bid for the nomination with Entertainment Tonight, saying, "I'm excited for her, and I'm sure I'll be hitting the stump trail."

Clinton was also photographed with Washington on the set of Scandal, and Tony Goldwyn (who plays President Fitzgerald Grant III on the show) later tweeted that the former secretary of state is the "ultimate gladiator."

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/Shutterstock.

Lady Gaga supports Hillary Clinton.

Gaga posed with Clinton while holding a "Yaaas, Hillary" T-shirt.

Photo: Via @hillaryclinton.

Sarah Silverman supports Bernie Sanders.

This summer Silverman introduced Sanders at an event in Los Angeles, saying, "His moral compass and sense of values inspires me. He always seems to be on the right side of history."

Photo: BFA/REX/Shutterstock.

Gary Busey supports Donald Trump.

Busey spoke to Fox411 about Trump, saying, "I know him personally. I know him professionally. He's a great guy. He's sharp. He's fast. He can change the country after the last eight years."

Photo: MediaPunch/REX/Shutterstock.

Ronda Rousey supports Bernie Sanders.

Rousey explained in an interview with Maxim, "I'm voting for Bernie Sanders, because he doesn’t take any corporate money. I don't think politicians should be allowed to take money for their campaigns from outside interests."

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/BEI/Shutterstock.

Daniel Craig supports Bernie Sanders.

Craig made a substantial donation (nearly $50,000) to Americans Socially United, a super PAC supporting Sanders (though the integrity of the PAC itself has been questioned).

Photo: Jim Smeal/BEI/Shutterstock.

Kim Kardashian supports Hillary Clinton.

Kardashian posted a selfie with her husband Kayne West and Hillary Clinton to Twitter and Instagram with the caption, "I got my selfie!!! I really loved hearing her speak & hearing her goals for our country! #HillaryForPresident"

Photo: Via @kimkardashian.

Susan Sarandon supports Bernie Sanders.

Sarandon tweeted a photo of herself working the phone banks for Sanders, and she appeared with him while he campaigned in Iowa.

Photo: REX/Shutterstock.

Anna Wintour supports Hillary Clinton.

Anna Wintour, Vogue 's editor-in-chief, sported a Marc Jacobs T-shirt emblazoned with Hillary Clinton's face during New York Fashion Week in February. Wintour has also supported Clinton's presidential ambitions through various fundraisers.

Photo: Swan Gallet/WWD/REX/Shutterstock.

Kelsey Grammer supports Ben Carson.

A photo of Grammer and his wife, Kayte, posing with the Carsons, was posted to the Grammer's joint Instagram account with the caption, "Carson for President! We approve this message. #CarsonforPresident"

Photo: Via @kayte_kelsey.

Donnie Wahlberg supports Carly Fiorina.

Wahlberg tweeted out his support for Fiorina this past August, writing, "Watching @CarlyFiorina on #MeetThePress She is a strong human being and a strong candidate for President in 2016!"

Photo: BEI/BEI/Shutterstock.

Chuck Norris supports Mike Huckabee.

Norris appeared in an ad supporting Huckabee in 2008, and during this primary season, Huckabee has tweeted out photos featuring himself and Norris spending time together.

Photo: Matt Baron/BEI/BEI/Shutterstock.

The Duggars support Mike Huckabee.

Though the Duggars had expressed support for Huckabee, their endorsement was removed from his website in June.

Photo: D. Dipasupil/Getty Images.

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8 Things You Need To Know This AM

Update: Debbie Wasserman Schultz To Resign From DNC

How To Adopt A Dog From The TSA's Bomb-Sniffing Program

Awesome Best Parents Create Harry Potter-Themed Nursery


Children eventually grow up to be people with their own tastes and hobbies. But for a few years, they can be a complete manifestation of their parents' affinities and have zero say in the matter. Lucky for one little 7-month-old in Illinois, his parents are huge Harry Potter fans.

"My husband knew right when we were pregnant that he wanted to do a Harry Potter nursery," Kaycee Daniel told Buzzfeed after her post of the nursery on the Room of Requirement Facebook group went viral. "At first I wasn’t sure, to be honest, but after him showing me some ideas, I came around to the idea."

We aren't talking mere owls and scarves here. With the help of 3-D artist Nate Baranowski, the couple really made this place into a regular Hogwarts dorm room, complete with portraits that look like they might come to life, given the right spell.

The full set of J.K. Rowling's books are on display, even if they have to wait several years for the room's occupant to read them. After all this, let's just hope he likes them!

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Update: Debbie Wasserman Schultz To Resign From DNC


Update: Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she will resign as the chairperson of the Democratic National Committee at the end of the week, reports The Washington Post.

“I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future,” Wasserman Schultz said in a statement released on Sunday. “I look forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory.”

According to the DNC, Donna Brazile will take over as interim chair.

This story was originally published on July 24, 2016, 1:55 p.m. EDT.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is out as chair of the Democratic National Convention after an email hack showed apparent bias against Sen. Bernie Sanders, reports NPR.

The office of Rep. Marcia Fudge told NPR in an email that she "has been named permanent chair of the Democratic National Convention."

Just days before the party's convention in Philadelphia, WikiLeaks published emails from the Democratic National Committee, which Wasserman Schultz also chairs, that appeared to show top officials in the party exchanging ideas to hurt Sen. Sanders' chances at the polls during the primaries.

Since the emails became public, Sanders has renewed his call for Wasserman Schultz's resignation as head of the party.

"I don't think she is qualified to be the chair of the DNC, not only for these awful emails, which revealed the prejudice of the DNC, but also because we need a party that reaches out to working people and young people, and I don't think her leadership style is doing that," Sanders told CNN.

Clinton has not publicly responded to news that Wasserman Schultz won't chair the convention, but her campaign manager, Robby Mook, called the emails "disturbing" and something that "voters need to reflect on," while also suggesting that the emails may have been leaked by Russian hackers, The Washington Post reported.

Meanwhile, Republican nominee Donald Trump took to Twitter to say, "The Wikileaks e-mail release today was so bad to Sanders that it will make it impossible for him to support her, unless he is a fraud!"

In another tweet, Trump added, "Sorry folks, but Bernie Sanders is exhausted, just can't go on any longer. He is trying to dismiss the new e-mails and DNC disrespect. SAD!"

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

8 Things You Need To Know This AM

Micheal Bloomberg Endorses Hillary Clinton

How To Adopt A Dog From The TSA's Bomb-Sniffing Program

Sherlock Season 4 Looks AMAZING


Let's play detective. We spy goosebumps, quickening pulses, and fans sitting on the edge of their seats. Elementary, my dear Watson: Someone's just watched the season 4 trailer for Sherlock.

The beloved BBC crime drama won't return until 2017, but San Diego Comic-Con delivered a little preview with the release of the trailer, below. Season 4 is going to get dark and edgy. Look! Watson's (Martin Freeman) hair turned white!

Toby Jones and Lindsay Duncan appear in the trailer, which sees Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock encountering enemies new and old. Moriarty pops up (somehow), Mrs. Hudson talks tough, and, as the video teases, everyone is under threat.

The Hollywood Reporter reports that Amanda Abbington, who plays Mary, Watson's wife, told the crowd, "It's really dark...it’s the darkest that Steven [Moffat] and Mark [Gatiss, who also plays Mycroft] have written. When we read them, all of us, we were kind of overwhelmed by them, because they were shocking and amazing, as always."

Say no more. Here's to getting three more 90-minute episodes...eventually.

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WNBA Players Take A Stand For #BlackLivesMatter


After the deadly shootings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and five Dallas police officers, players in the WNBA decided to take a stand by wearing all black in protest.

It started with players from the Minnesota Lynx. The players wore black warm-up shirts that read “Change Starts With Us: Justice & Accountability” on the front. On the back, the shirts had the names of Castile and Sterling alongside a Dallas Police Department emblem and Black Lives Matter logo.

Deadspin reported that the gesture was met with anger by some police officers, who left the arena during the game and took their names off a list to work future games, according to their union head.

The response did little the quell protest from WNBA players who said they wanted to use their voices to speak out about police brutality. Members of the Phoenix Mercury, New York Liberty, and Indiana Fever also began wearing black warm-up shirts in protest.

The WNBA fined the those teams and their players for wearing the gear. All three teams were fined $5,000 and each player was fined $500 as the shirts violated the league's uniform policy, which requires that uniforms are not altered in any way.

That move ignited a firestorm. Players criticized the league — which is largely African-American — for punishing teams and players for social activism.

"Instead of the league taking a stance with us, where they tell us they appreciate our expressing our concerns like they did for Orlando, we're fighting against each other," Indiana Fever All-Star Tamika Catchings told The New York Times. She was referring to a move by the league in June: Every team was given shirts in support of the Orlando tragedy, which the players wore.

"We were okay with that, we wanted to support that, but also they can't pick and choose what initiatives to support and what not to support just because it doesn't push their agenda," Liberty guard Tanisha Wright told The New York Times.

But the fines weren't enough to stop players. Liberty forward Tina Charles was named the WNBA Player of the Month after a game last week. She accepted the award with her team-branded warm-ups turned inside out.

She wrote on Instagram, "Seventy percent of the @wnba players are African-American women and as a league collectively impacted. My teammates and I will continue to use our platform and raise awareness for the #BlackLivesMatter movement until the @wnba gives its support as it does for Breast Cancer Awareness, Pride and other subject matters."

On Saturday, the WNBA announced that it would withdraw its fines against teams and players, according to The Associated Press. WNBA President Lisa Borders said in a statement, "While we expect players to comply with league rules and uniform guidelines, we also understand their desire to use their platform to address important societal issues."

She added, "Given that the league will now be suspending play until August 26 for the Olympics, we plan to use this time to work with our players and their union on ways for the players to make their views known to their fans and the public."

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A Month In NYC On A $105,000 Salary


Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennial women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last dollar. (Thanks, New York mag, for the inspiration.)

To mark our 50th money diary, we decided to do something a little different. A brave Brooklyn diarist decided to track four complete weeks (not a month, but close enough). Ahead, a project manager for a construction management company with a weekly pot delivery and a penchant for horror movies.

Industry: Construction Management

Age: 31

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Salary: $105,000

Bonus: 10 to 16% annually ($11,500, paid in March)

Savings: $40,000

401(k): $60,000

# of roommates: One (boyfriend)

Paycheck Amount (Every Two Weeks, 26 paychecks per year)

Gross: $4,038

Taxes: $1,280

401(k) (10% of gross pay): $405

Insurance: $104

Total Biweekly Take-Home Pay: $2,250

My BF is the same age and makes $130K per year, his bonus payout will be $37K this year (gross). We work in the same industry, but in different roles. He contributes to a 401(k) and Roth IRA, his biweekly take-home total is about $2,450.

Biweekly Auto Transfer To Savings: $350. In addition to this, I keep about a $2-5K in my checking account at a time. When there is an accumulation beyond $5K, I will transfer that to savings on top of the $350 auto transfer that occurs each paycheck.

Monthly Expenses (all numbers represent my half of joint expenses)

Rent: $1,113. We live in East Williamsburg in a 670-square-foot one-bedroom apartment with a backyard that we share with our neighbor.

Car Loan Payment: $207. We have four car payments left (car was $26K).

Car Insurance: $65

Electric & Cooking Gas: $50

E-ZPass & Monthly Metro Card: $122

Phone Bill: $0 (company-paid cell phone)

Cable, Internet, & Landline: $107.50 (Yes, I know, but we have every movie package and bad cell service in the apartment.)

Netflix (streaming and one disc): $9

Spotify: $5

Student Loans: None. My parents paid for college. My four-year bachelor’s degree cost $46K (this includes two years of dorms and meal plans, the tuition itself was only $32K). I worked through high school and during college so I could pay for my living expenses and my rent after I moved out of the dorms. My boyfriend just finished paying off his student loans, which were about $50K total when he graduated. He received some scholarships and did a work study program that covered half of his tuition.

Total Fixed Monthly Expenses: $1,678.50

Editor's Note: All expenses were rounded to the nearest half-dollar. Expenses that are marked with an * indicated a shared expense, with the number representing the diarists' half. Money Diaries are meant to reflect individual women’s experiences and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29’s point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages illegal activity or harmful behavior.

The first step to getting your financial life in order is tracking what you spend — to try on your own, check out our guide to managing your money every day. For more money diaries, click here.

Have a money diary you'd like to share? Email moneydiary@refinery29.com.

Week One

Day One

1 p.m. — I love to sleep and regularly get up very late on weekends. BF is at work, so I go to the bodega and get sausage and cheese on a roll, waffle fries, iced coffee, and seltzer, before watching the first season of the Netflix series Scrotal Recall. I like it. $10.50

4 p.m. — BF picked up baked beans, potato salad, and pickles from Fette Sau on his way home from work. My BF and I split most of our expenses and use a shared credit card for those purchases; this is one of them. $16*

4:30 p.m. — He runs out to grab ciabatta, tomatoes, and cheese from Brooklyn Harvest while I tidy up the house. $5*

6 p.m. — My friend comes over for dinner and to hang out in the backyard. She brings sausages, hot-dog buns, and a 12-pack of beer to go with our side dishes. We also open a bottle of Lambrusco, which was a hostess gift from last weekend, when we had people over.

8 p.m. — Our neighbor also joins us and invites a few friends. I go to the bodega with them when they are picking up more beer and buy a pack of cigarettes. We spend the next several hours playing games in the backyard. $6.50*

11p.m. — Get a pot delivery, $50 for 3 grams. $25*

Daily Total: $63

Day Two

12 p.m. — Make coffee at home in the French press (from beans purchased in previous month’s groceries, one pound for $12.99 lasts about 3 months for us)

1 p.m. — Neither of us want to cook, so we order sandwiches and chips from Campbell Cheese & Grocery on Seamless. Sadly, they do not have my favorite sandwich, the spicy ham grilled-cheese panini. The spicy turkey is a close second, though. $15*

4 p.m. — After watching several hours of Mad Men and making a grocery list, I send BF to run some errands. First stop, Crest Hardware to get a new filter for the AC, supplies to fix our screen door, and grass seed for the backyard. $10*

5 p.m. — Next stop, Brooklyn Harvest to grab groceries for the week. OJ, bacon, zucchini, eggplant, onions, hot dogs, pancetta, bread, block of cheddar, sliced deli meats and cheeses, tomatoes, parsley, lemons, Thai chilis, shallots, half-and-half, Splenda, seltzer. $54*

5:30 p.m. — My list includes fresh peas, which the other market doesn't have. My BF tries Meat Hook and walks away without peas, but can't control himself and buys chips and salsa. Yes, it is $14 total just for chips and salsa there, but they are seriously so good! $7*

5:45 p.m. — The pea hunt continues on to C-Town, but there are no fresh peas to be had there, either. We end up compromising with frozen peas and fresh pea shoots. $3*

7 p.m. — I make a spring pasta with pancetta and peas in cream sauce (based on this recipe). I already have pasta and parmesan on hand from previous grocery trips. We invite our neighbor over to share dinner and watch our Netflix disc, The Witch. Neighbor brings a 12-pack of beer to share. The movie deeply disturbs the boys, but I like it a lot. If you like a claustrophobic and atmospheric psychological horror that reaffirms puritanical America was the worst, then this one is for you! Pasta is enough for five large servings, but I'm crazy about it, so I'm sending the two leftover servings to work with BF for lunch this week.

9:30 p.m. — Not satisfied yet with my horror craving. (Hint: it’s never satisfied.) I convince my BF to watch The Visit, which was just added to one of the premium on-demand channels. It is a real turd, the twist is practically shoved down your throat by the 20-minute mark and then you still have to watch for another hour to get to a very anticlimactic reveal. It does have some creepy moments. Overall, I’d say skip it.

Daily Total: $89

Day Three

7 a.m. — BF needs to drive in today and he likes to get in early, so he gives me a ride. We take the tunnel and it’ll come out of the monthly E-ZPass payment. His parking will be expensed to his project.

7:30 a.m. — Our office provides coffee. I chug a cup as soon as I get in and then have a refill around 9 a.m. I don’t typically eat breakfast during the workweek, unless there are free leftovers from a meeting.

11:30 a.m. — Since I wasn’t feeling my pasta from the night before, I have to buy lunch and get barbacoa tacos and a Diet Coke from Chipotle. If I buy lunch, I usually try to spend less than $10, but Chipotle is an occasional splurge. $12

5 p.m. — I take the subway home and relax on the patio with the last beer from the night before.

8 p.m. — BF gets home a bit late, so he makes us sandwiches (with yesterday’s groceries) and the leftover baked beans and potato salad.

9 p.m. — I fix us both a glass of whiskey (purchased two weeks ago) and we watch a Game of Thrones episode.

Daily Total: $12

Day Four

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee, then my monthly auto-charge for Sephora Play! Box. This month will be my third box. I like it, but I’ll probably cancel it. In both boxes, I’ve gotten samples for things I already had. If I get another mauve lip color, I’m going to murder someone. $11

1:30 p.m. — Grab a six-inch sub with chips and a soda from Subway and eat at my desk. $8

8 p.m. — BF makes us open-faced turkey melts with a side of sliced heirloom tomatoes and some leftover chips and salsa. We each have a glass of whiskey, which finishes the bottle.

Daily Total: $19

Day Five

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11 a.m. — My cat needs special (a.k.a. expensive) wet food, due to health issues. I order a couple of varieties of three-ounce cans from chewy.com to add to his current rotation of food (60 servings total). $47*

11:30 a.m. — Grab cajun chicken soup and free garlic bread from a nearby deli; eat at my desk. $4

3:30 p.m. — Take a can of Diet Coke that was leftover from a meeting and eat two mini Snickers from the communal candy jar.

6 p.m. — Stop on the way home to grab a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of Lambrusco. $25*

7 p.m. — Drink two glasses of Lambrusco and eat some leftover tortilla chips as a snack. Dinner is hot dogs and one more glass of Lambrusco.

10 p.m. — Our neighbor picked up some cocaine and grabbed some for us. We send a Venmo for our share, which is about a gram. $120 for total, my half is $60*

Daily Total: $136

Day Six

8 a.m. — I go to visit a job site today to work with the project team. I know they only have a Keurig and powdered creamer in the site trailer, so I stop at the bodega for an iced coffee on my way to the subway. $2.50

12 p.m. — Any time I come to the site, the team uses it as an excuse to buy everyone lunch. We get Chipotle and I have chicken tacos.

3 p.m. — We finish up early and I take a cab from the Upper East Side to Union Square to pick up a package from FedEx. The cab is $24, but it will be expensed to the job. My package is a pair of Carla Colour sunglasses and an incense holder by Cinnamon Projects that I ordered two weekends ago. Sadly, the sunnies don’t look good on me and will be returned. I take the train the rest of the way home and work from the couch for the rest of the day.

5 p.m. — BF drives a fair amount, so he doesn’t have a monthly unlimited card. He takes the subway today and needs to re-up on a pay-per-ride card. We consider transportation a joint expense. $20*

6 p.m. — I grab a bag of Krasdale shredded mozzarella that is on sale at C-Town on the way home. $1*

6:30 p.m. — Eat some leftover tortilla chips and have the last glass and a half of Lambrusco.

8 p.m. — I bought eight frozen pizza dough balls from Fresh Direct two months ago on sale at $1.50 a piece. We use one dough ball to make a white pizza with zucchini, ham, Thai chilis, parsley, pea shoots, and the mozzarella.

9 p.m. — Eat a few slices of cheddar and have a glass of whiskey while I force my BF to watch Sinister 2. It is okay, not nearly as good as the first one. The scares are just not there this time.

Daily Total: $23.50

Day Seven

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — I host training for a different department and they provide lunch. I have two slices of pizza and a soda.

5 p.m. — Get to leave a bit early and I stop into the bodega on the way home to pick up a pack of cigarettes and a 12-pack of beer. $15*

6 p.m. — BF and I have sandwiches when he gets home from work.

7 p.m. — Our neighbor’s sister is visiting and he has another friend over. We all hang out in the backyard until pretty late.

12 a.m. — Everyone takes turns buying beers and my neighbor grabs me a bag of Doritos on his round. BF thinks we are getting low on beer and buys another 12-pack and another pack of cigarettes. There are a bunch of beers left over at the end of the night. $13*

Daily Total: $28

Week Two

Day One

12 p.m. — BF wakes me up at noon. We order sandwiches from Campbell Cheese & Grocery on Seamless and make coffee at home in the French press. They have the spicy ham, woo! We also finish off the leftover Doritos from the previous night. $13*

1:30 p.m. — Pick up a few pieces of dry cleaning and drop off a lot more. $8.50*

3 p.m. — Apparently, my BF was hoarding some parking tickets and he pays them online. We got one when we were out of town a couple months ago, another for forgetting to move the car for alternate-side parking last month, and one from two weeks ago for having an expired inspection sticker (for only one day!) this is an unusual expense. $111*

6:30 p.m. — Eat hot dogs and macaroni and cheese. Then, lay outside in the backyard and drank a couple leftover beers from the previous night.

10 p.m. — Our neighbor invites us to a house party nearby and tells us to bring beers. We grab two six-packs from a corner store on the walk over. I am a bit beer-ed out, so I also bring two airplane bottles of whiskey that I got as stocking stuffers from my mom at Christmas. $10*

11 p.m. — Buy about 1.5 grams of cocaine ($120 per gram), which is delivered to the party. $90*

Daily Total: $232.50

Day Two

12 p.m. — Make coffee at home in the French press. Feeling lazy and hungover, so we get breakfast sandwiches, waffle fries, and sodas from the bodega. $8*

3 p.m. — Pick up some groceries from C-Town: OJ, microwave popcorn, deli meats and cheeses, capicola ham, heirloom tomatoes, Ziploc bags, recycling bags, paper towels, seltzer, ground beef, fresh mozzarella, and toilet paper. $34*

3:30 p.m. — Fill the car up with gas while out running errands. $19*

9 p.m. — Our neighbor comes over to watch Game of Thrones and brings homemade enchiladas, crema, and rice to share for dinner. My BF uses his own cash to buy a six-pack and we each have one.

Daily Total: $61

Day Three

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11 a.m. — Stop by Walgreens to pick up a prescription, Breathe Right strips, 200-pack of ibuprofen, hydrocortisone cream, and Zyrtec-D. $32*

11 a.m. — I buy a pack of cigarettes. $6.50*

11:30 a.m. — Grab turkey chili and garlic bread for lunch from a nearby deli and eat at my desk. $4

6:30 p.m. — Sit in the backyard and read for a couple of hours.

7:30 p.m. — BF picks up the dry cleaning we dropped off two days ago on his way home. For as much as it costs sometimes, I feel like I’m just paying for someone to steam my garments. He also grabs our wash-and-fold stuff that we drop off at a different laundromat. They only accept cash, and most of the load was his, so BF pays. $31*

8 p.m. — Use my last FD pizza dough ball and make a white pizza with capicola ham, zucchini, Thai chili, pea shoots, fresh mozzarella and parsley.

9 p.m. — Fix myself a glass of whiskey and read until I finish my book.

Daily Total: $73.50

Day Four

8 a.m. — Twp cups of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — Buy a chopped salad and a bag of chips from a nearby café. Also snag a leftover Diet Coke from the fridge. $11

3 p.m. — My coworker, who is also a friend outside of work, gives me two packs of cigarettes. She bought them while out drinking, but doesn’t really smoke.

6 p.m. — Pick up hamburger buns and also grab a pack of Haribo gummy bears. $3*

9 p.m. — BF grills up some cheeseburgers along with grilled eggplant and zucchini and sliced heirloom tomato on the side.

9:30 p.m. — Pot delivery, $50 for 3 grams. Snack on the gummy bears. $25*

Daily Total: $39

Day Five

7 a.m. — Get to work a bit early to prep for all-day meetings. Drink two cups of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — Lunch is provided, since we are working through it. I get Chipotle barbacoa tacos with chips and guacamole.

5 p.m. — Meet up with two of my former bosses at a dive bar for happy hour. We try to get together for drinks every couple months or so. I don’t have cash, so I start a tab. Our total for five beers, two whiskeys, and a $3 seltzer (are you fucking kidding me?) is $44. I tip $6 and each of them gives me a $20. I owe them each a couple bucks back, but they say not to worry about. $10

8:30 p.m. — We finish up what is essentially a two-hour bitch session and I walk over a few blocks and catch the train home.

9 p.m. — BF makes us sandwiches and we finish off the rest of the gummy bears from last night.

Daily Total: $10

Day Six

7:30 a.m. — It’s rainy out, and BF is driving in, so he gives me a ride. I drink my standard two cups of free office coffee. If I haven’t mentioned before, our office coffee is actually pretty good.

11:30 a.m. — Stop into Victoria’s Secret to return a slip I purchased a month ago ($42). It was a back-up, in case I didn’t find something better. They are having their semi-annual sale and I start to look around, but I have trouble with their sizing and how narrow the crotches are cut. I prefer wearing my panties on the outside of my vagina, so I decide to bail.

12 p.m.— Grab beef chili and bread at the deli and eat at my desk while doing some online window-shopping. I’ve been scoping out all the end-of-season designer sales, but nothing has made me bite, and thankfully for my wallet, most of the items I really like are sold out in my size. $4

5:30 p.m. — Had a shit day of worthless meetings and am generally just pissed off. Make myself a double whiskey to drown my misery and fast forward through four episodes of Project Runway All Stars.

8 p.m. — Another night, another sandwich.

9 p.m. — We watch our latest Netflix disc, 10 Cloverfield Lane. It is pretty good, if a bit slow to get to the turn. I honestly think it would have benefitted from dropping its affiliation to the original Cloverfield.

Daily Total: $4

Day Seven

8 a.m. — I wanted to get in by 7:30 to prepare for all-day meetings, but I didn’t wake up until 7:05. It was close, but I make it into my first meeting at 8:03 with a free office coffee in hand.

8:30 a.m. — First meeting wraps early, so I grab my second coffee and a massive banana from the communal office fruit basket.

10:30 a.m. — There are other meetings in the office this morning that served breakfast, so I snag a mini croissant and a mini blueberry muffin from the leftovers.

11:30 a.m. — There is a catered lunch for a coworker’s birthday. I get a chicken cutlet sandwich, some chips, pesto pasta salad, and birthday cake.

4:30 p.m. — My meetings ran ahead of schedule, so I leave a little early. I should work on other projects, but I just don't have any motivation left. I stop in the bodega on the way back and grab two six-packs of beer and a pack of cigs. $20*

8 p.m. — Order food from a deli on Seamless; we both get waffle fries and split a cheeseburger. $12*

10 p.m. — We lay around and watch TV for the rest of the night. Suspect a herpes outbreak coming on and I keep a couple prescriptions of antivirals on hand in case of a recurrence. I start a round as a precaution.

Daily Total: $32

Week Three

Day One

11 a.m. — BF went out of town to visit family. I stay home, since I am not feeling well. My suspicions are confirmed about the outbreak, so I continue on the cycle of antivirals. I have an outbreak, on average, once every two years (for last decade). I can tell when it’s coming, so can prevent the worst symptoms from occurring. My body aches like I worked out and have period cramps, I’m fatigued, and have loss of appetite. Essentially (for me), it’s a body cold that lasts a few days. Ibuprofen takes care of the worst symptoms and I take four when I wake up.

12 p.m. — Make some coffee in the French press and a toasted sandwich with the last of the deli meat, bacon, American cheese, and onions, on a bun.

2:30 p.m. — Lay around on the couch and watch junk TV and play games on my iPad.

6 p.m. — I make a bag of microwave popcorn and force myself to eat another one of the leftover hamburger buns and drink a blood orange Pellegrino. Not the most nutritious dinner, but it is better than nothing.

8:30 p.m. — My neighbor stops by to hang out before heading out to a bar to meet friends, and he gives me a beer.

10 p.m. — Make myself a double whiskey to help get me to sleep.

Daily Total: $0

Day Two

12 p.m. — Don't feel like scrounging up a meal with the random food left in the house, so I go to the bodega and grab a BLT, fries, iced coffee, and soda. Already feeling way better than yesterday. $10

3 p.m. — Did a whole lotta nothing all day, laid in the backyard for a bit and read on my iPad.

6 p.m. — BF gets home and we decide to splurge a bit and order delivery from Roberta’s — pizza, short ribs, and salad. $29

8 p.m. — Had another lazy night on the couch. We start the first season of Mr. Robo t. I’m trying my best to rest up and let the virus pass quickly. I’m still achy and fatigued.

Daily Total: $39

Day Three

7 a.m. — Meetings all morning, so I get in early and have my first cup of coffee to try to wake up. Take a handful of ibuprofen from the medicine cabinet in our break room.

8 a.m. — Second cup of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — Still feeling really run down and achy, so I leave the office after my meetings end and work from home the rest of the day.

2 p.m. —Take a break from working on the couch and go to the deli to grab a BLT, fries, a soda, and some seltzer for lunch. $11

8 p.m. — BF gets home a bit late, so he makes us grilled cheese sandwiches with the last of the sliced deli cheese and bread.

9 p.m. — I fix us both a glass of whiskey, which kills the bottle, and we watch a Game of Thrones episode and another Mr. Robot.

Daily Total: $11

Day Four

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11:15 a.m. — Stop into Walgreens and buy a pack of cigs. $7*

11:30 a.m. — Grab turkey and wild rice soup and garlic bread for lunch from the deli and ate at my desk. $4

6 p.m. — I stop into C-Town on the way home and grab some fresh chicken sausages, a four-pound pork shoulder, two giant portobello caps, a slicing tomato, and a massive eggplant. $11*

7 p.m. — BF buys a bottle of rye whiskey, a bottle of bourbon, a Lambrusco, and a vino verde. $68*

8 p.m. — I cut up one of the portobello caps, half of the eggplant, and an onion, and douse them with olive oil, salt, chili powder, and smoked paprika and grill them with the chicken sausages for dinner. We grill all five sausages and have two left over.

8:30 p.m. — After dinner, we open the bottle of Lambrusco and watch our latest Netflix disc, Predators. We’ve both seen it before but I had a craving to re-watch it.

Daily Total: $90

Day Five

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — Grab some turkey chili and bread from the deli and ate at my desk. $4

12 p.m. — BF buys his own pack of cigs on the shared card while he was at lunch. $7*

3:30 p.m. — Can't help myself and ate four mini Reese's from the communal candy jar.

6 p.m. — Open up the vino verde and make myself a toasted sandwich with leftover chicken sausage, shredded cheddar, Dijon mustard, and sliced onion on a bun. Also slice the tomato and ate half drizzled with oil, salt, and pepper.

8 p.m. — Sit outside and have another glass of wine and goof off on my iPad. BF gets home and fixes himself the same meal I had earlier.

10 p.m. — Watch some more Mr. Robot.

Daily Total: $11

Day Six

8 a.m. — In all-day meetings and they provide meals. I know I'm going to be presenting during lunch, so I go a bit crazy on the breakfast spread. Have two mini croissants, a mini everything bagel with cream cheese, two mini muffins, a cinnamon roll, a plate of fruit, and three coffees.

1 p.m. — Finish up my portion of the meeting and grab some pasta salad, a tuna sandwich, and a cookie from the catered lunch.

4 p.m. — One of my coworker’s is having a farewell happy-hour event at 5 p.m., so I know dinner is unlikely. I don't want to be hungry all night, so I eat another plate of pasta salad leftover from the lunch meeting.

5 p.m. — Arrive at the happy hour, which is right next door, and buy a glass of (gross) Cabernet for my first drink (tip $2). $8

6 p.m. — One of our coworkers does a drop-by at the happy hour and buys everyone tequila shots. This is when my evening takes a nosedive off a cliff.

6:30 p.m. — Buy a beer based on recommendation from a stranger sitting at the bar (also gross, tip $1). Someone in our group ordered fried calamari and I eat a few. $6

7:30 p.m. — Another round of tequila shots was bought for the table. I am feeling no pain at this point in the evening.

8 p.m. — Someone else we are with orders a whiskey cocktail and doesn't like it. As the saying goes, “Waste not, want not.” I volunteer to drink it and it is delicious.

8:30 p.m. — Instead of doing the sensible thing, I suggest we move to another bar. My coworker (the one who is leaving the company) and I grab a cab and go downtown to meet her boyfriend who is at a work event for his company. Not sure how much the cab cost, but she picks up the ride.

9 p.m. — Coworker’s BF tells us to order on his tab (he is expensing his work event). I get a glass of whiskey. Then, we all do pickleback shots. Chat it up with his coworkers and dance a bit. One of the women he works with gives me a leftover chicken taco.

10:30 p.m. — One of the boyfriend’s friends is having birthday drinks nearby so the three of us hop in a cab. I pay for this ride. We arrive and, for some reason, the party had been split into two neighboring bars. My coworker and I go into the one with the birthday girl and her BF goes to the other bar across the street. $10

11 p.m. — I buy a round of shots for everyone. $30

11:30 p.m. — We join the boyfriend at the neighboring bar and he buys me a beer.

1 a.m. — Finally call it a night and take the train home. I've run out cigs, because I was bumming cigs all night. For some reason, I feel I can't wait until tomorrow to get more, so I stop in the bodega and grab a pack on the way home. $6.50

Daily Total: $60.50

Day Seven

8:45 a.m. — Sleep through my alarm and am sooooooooo hungover (obviously). Brush my teeth and rush out the door, pop into the bodega for an iced coffee to hopefully combat my hangover before I get into the office. $2.50

9:30 a.m. — Get another cup of coffee from the office and grab a banana from the communal fruit basket.

11:30 a.m. — Run over to the deli next door and grab beef chili with garlic bread. I am still feeling awful, so the smell and taste of it just turns my stomach and I end up throwing most of it away. $4

2 p.m. — I’m still in a bad way so I decide to finish my day working from home and stop into the bodega for a BLT, fries, and soda on my way home. $9*

6 p.m. — BF grabs a 12-pack of beer on his way home and we each have one. I know hair of the dog is BS, but I sure did feel better after drinking it. $9*

7p.m. — Order a cheeseburger and two orders of fries from local deli on Seamless. We each drink another beer. $ 10*

8p.m. — BF and I head into the city for a going away party for friends. Always sad to see people leave the city! BF needs to refill his pay-per-ride card and it goes on the shared card. $ 20*

11 p.m. — Everyone is taking turns buying beer for the party and it is our turn to grab more. We get three 12-packs, two packs of cigarettes, and some gummy bears. $39*

2 a.m. — Take a cab home, which seems to take a million years. $12*

Daily Total: $105.50

Week Four

Day One

12 p.m. — BF has to work again today, so I order my favorite sandwich from Campbell’s and a bottle of La Colombe cold-brewed coffee on Seamless. $19

1 p.m. — Tidy up the house a bit and then fast forward through the rest of Project Runway All Stars.

4:30 p.m. — Decide to lay outside in the backyard and find that the landlord had let workers access the space. They ripped our string lights down and broken a bunch of the bulbs, so there was glass smashed all over the patio (and obviously no effort made to clean it up). I spend a half an hour sweeping up glass and rearranging the patio furniture. Then, I send an angry email to the landlord to request he pay me back for the damaged lights.

8 p.m. — By the time BF gets home, we decide to just order dinner. Get delivery: fettuccine Alfredo, truffle fries, and meatballs over polenta. $18*

8:30 p.m. — Our neighbor comes over and we watch our Netflix disc, the new Point Break. I know it's going to be bad, but think it will be fun, anyway. It exceeds my wildest expectations of terribleness. The only explanation for this film’s existence is that a movie exec’s 15-year-old son, who is really into the X Games, wrote the script. If there was a drinking game where you had to do a shot anytime someone said “extreme athlete,” you would die of alcohol poisoning. We have a really great time making fun of the film, but otherwise it has no intrinsic value.

8:30 p.m. — We each drink two of the beers that were leftover.

Daily Total: $37

Day Two

12 p.m. — Make coffee in the French press and cook up the rest of the bacon with fried eggs.

2 p.m. — Sadly, my pork shoulder purchased last week smells off (even though it was before the sell by date!). It isn't worth the risk of cooking, so that gets thrown out. I clean out the rest of the fridge and get rid of anything that is expired or had gone bad.

3 p.m. — BF goes to the market and picks up a five-pound pork shoulder, molasses, three pounds of baby potatoes, pesto, two pints of cherry tomatoes, basil, radishes, a block of cheddar cheese, kitty litter, 12-pack of seltzer, parsley, pickles, cabbage, ketchup, liquid smoke, spicy mustard, onions, paper towels, orange juice, eggs, potato rolls, bacon, and toilet paper. I stay home and start doing some prep for dinner, which includes soft boiling the last seven farm eggs, two of which are floaters and have to be tossed. $64.50*

3:30 p.m. — BF grabs chips and salsa from Meat Hook, despite it not being on the list!! $7*

4 p.m. — Run to the bodega and grab a pack of cigs. $6.50*

5 p.m. — I've resorted to wearing bikini bottoms for the last two days, since I ran out of clean underwear. Since I am cooking a feast, my BF does a load of laundry for me. He also washes our sheets and any hang-dry items. $5*

6 p.m. — I make a slow-cooked BBQ pulled pork recipe with a homemade coleslaw (recipe here) and potato salad with seven-minute eggs (recipe here, the chives were picked from the backyard). We have a mini BBQ in the backyard with our neighbor, who made tostones as an appetizer and provides beer.

9 p.m. — BF and I go inside and watch Game of Thrones and finish the last two beers.

Daily Total: $83

Day Three

7 a.m. — Meetings all morning again, so I get in early and have a cup of free office coffee.

8 a.m. — Second cup of free office coffee.

11:30 a.m. — Eat leftover pulled pork on a roll with leftover coleslaw and potato salad at my desk.

6 p.m. — Take the train with one of my coworkers downtown to attend a team-building event with one of our clients and their design team. BF and several other coworkers were also in attendance.

7 p.m. — The event is catered by a bunch of different vendors, so we have a sampling of random foods and drinks.

8:30 p.m. — Several of us decide to “have one more drink” at a nearby bar, it turns out “one more” really meant “three more." It is being expensed.

11 p.m. — The crowd has dwindled down to four (including BF), and we head a few blocks over to a pizza place that is also a jazz bar (I have no idea), we all have a beer and order garlic bread and a pizza. Again, it will be expensed (not even sure how much it was).

12:30 a.m. — Finally, we call it a night and BF and I catch a cab with one of the designers who lives close to us. He pays for the cab, since he’s the last stop, and says he will expense it.

Daily Total: $0

Day Four

8 a.m. — Ugh. I’m hungover. I get a ride in from BF, grab two cups of free office coffee, and a banana from the communal fruit bowl.

11:30 a.m. — More leftover BBQ, potato salad, and coleslaw, eat at my desk.

6:30 p.m. — Stop into the bodega and grab a six-pack on my way home. Snack on some leftover chips and salsa and sit in the backyard and goof around on my iPad. $6*

7 p.m. — BF stops on his way home and fills up the car with gas. $19*

7:30 p.m. — He also grabs a pack of cigs at the bodega. $6.50*

8 p.m. — I have a big plate of leftover potato salad, coleslaw, and eat a couple potato rolls for dinner. Wash it down with a beer.

8:30 p.m. — After dinner we watch our Netflix disc, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Ugh, it is terrible.

Daily Total: $31.50

Day Five

8 a.m. — Two cups of free office coffee.

11:15 a.m. — Place another order of cat food: 60 three-ounce cans (several varieties). $44*

12 p.m. — We are flying out for a family vacation this evening, so I am taking a half day. Stop into the pharmacy on the way home and pick up a prescription refill for Ambien. I have trouble sleeping when I’m not at home and want to make sure I have some for the trip. $2.50

12 p.m. — Find a package waiting for me when I arrive home. Remember those sunglasses I returned back in week 1? Well, it turns out they were exchange only, since I had used a 30% off promo code. I used the credit to get myself a really nice white T-shirt and another incense holder by Cinnamon Projects to give to my friend. The Dreslyn hooked it up and gave me the same discount as when I previously ordered and wrote off the $2 balance I owed after the exchange.

1 p.m. — We clean the bathroom, sweep, mop, pick up all the clutter around the house, and start packing. We each have a beer that is leftover from the night before and I buy a movie on iTunes to watch on the flight. $8

2 p.m. — BF makes us plates of our leftovers and we leave some for our neighbor, who is going to stop in to feed our cat. I had kinda forgotten about our trip when I made the grocery list this week, so there was a lot of food purchased that we will use when we get back from vacation.

4:15 p.m. — Keep receiving warnings about security lines being out of control, so we Uber to the airport earlier than I normally would for a 6:30 flight. We bought our tickets last month, which cost $283 a person, but we will be getting a $70 credit back on our Amex for the carry-on fees. $13*

5 p.m. — Traffic and security were a breeze, so we have an hour to kill. Go to the only bar in the terminal and we each get two beers and split a lobster salad roll that is actually really good. $31*

9 p.m. — Arrive! My parents pick us up from the airport and have brought us homemade sandwiches for the ride home. My dad makes the best sandwiches, ever!

10 p.m. — My parents have stocked the fridge with beer and we all have a couple and chat before bed.

Daily Total: $98.50

Day Six

10 a.m. — Get up and have a cup of coffee and my BF makes everyone some scrambled eggs with ham and cheese for breakfast. My parents have already gone grocery shopping, so the food from today and tomorrow are no cost to us. We all take turns doing the grocery runs, but our turn happens to fall outside this diary.

12:30 p.m. — Check out a local fabric store and my mom buys me five yards of linen for $30 so she can make me new pillow covers. She pays for them and is sewing them for me as a belated birthday present. She made the first set of pillow covers for my birthday three years ago, and they are ready for an update to better match the rug we bought last year.

1 p.m. — My dad takes us to the beach and we snack on cheese and crackers and drink beer out of the cooler.

6 p.m. — Mom makes us lasagna with garlic bread and salad. So good!

8 p.m. — Play cards and drink some wine. Then, we watch a crappy movie on Netflix and call it a night.

Daily Total: $0

Day Seven

10 a.m. — Get up and had some coffee, eat some bacon and eggs with toast.

1 p.m. — Go to Target and buy a new swimsuit, a pair of shoes, a tank top, a pair of shorts, a lip balm, Altoids, and a couple of toys for my sister’s kids, who will be arriving the next day. Even though it is mostly stuff for me, it goes on the shared card, since my BF bought a pair of shoes on the shared card last month. We try to keep things even, but don’t worry about it too much. $79*

3:30 p.m. — Feeling a bit lazy, so we just hang out goof around the house and watch HGTV with my parents.

6 p.m. — Leftover lasagna, garlic bread, and salad for dinner.

8 p.m. — We play cards again, since we were all tied up after our games last night, and we have to have a tie-breaker round. I drink a couple beers while we play.

9 p.m. — Have a bowl of ice cream for dessert and my dad picks out the second Maze Runner movie on cable, which is not very good.

Daily Total: $79

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We should really let Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Batman, and Superman be all moody by themselves in a corner. More than one panel at San Diego Comic-Con this weekend made us think the world would be just fine if you left the heroines — both DC and Marvel — in charge.

First, the Wonder Woman trailer premiere got many hyped for the first female-led superhero movie since Elektra. Then, Marvel gradually introduced the new and old female members of its universe, which is slowly growing to include every great actress of this generation.

There's Captain Marvel Brie Larson; Black Panther 's Lupita Nyong'o and Danai Gurira; Spider-Man: Homecoming 's Zendaya and Laura Harrier; Doctor Strange 's Tilda Swinton and Rachel McAdams; and Guardians of the Galaxy 's Zoe Saldana, Elizabeth Debicki, Karen Gillan, and Pom Klementieff. Avenger Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Jones star Krysten Ritter, and Ant-Man 's Evangeline Lilly were absent from the gathering.

This is progress, but not quite victory yet in the long, slow war to get more women in front of (and behind) the camera in action films. For every Force Awakens celebration, there's a Ghostbusters backlash. And where is that Black Widow movie? The actresses of TV and film at Entertainment Weekly 's Women Who Kick Ass panel were glad that the discussion is out in the open.

"It’s nice now we can finally talk about it and not feel as if we’re these horrible shrews who are demanding the same as men," said Connie Nielsen, who plays Wonder Woman's mother, Queen Hippolyta, in the upcoming film. "There are so many things that are unconsciously still in screenwriters’ and producers’ minds, and even in audiences’ minds, about what really is it to be a woman and a man? What values do these things carry with them? And until we really ask, again and again, why we expect one thing from a female or a male character and why we accept that, we’ll still see eight men and one woman as a lineup."

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Now's The Time To Book A Cheap Flight To Europe


Sometimes, you can find the bright side to bad news. First, we'll give you the good news: Airfares from the U.S. to Europe are at their lowest in three years, according to Quartz, which has gathered data from flight-search app Hopper. Flights from New York to Berlin, for instance, average $550 as of Sunday, down $100 from just last week. Flights to Barcelona are $540.

The bad news is, obviously, that one of the factors making prices drop is fear of terrorism. Recent headlines in Munich, Nice, Istanbul, Brussels, and Paris are making travelers think twice. The U.S. State Department issued a travel alert for all of Europe back in April, set to expire August 31.

This is how travel author Rick Steves puts terrorism fears in perspective: "Travelers should understand the risk of terrorism in a cold, logical, statistical way. Your odds of being killed by a terrorist overseas or in the air are 1 in 20 million (Washington Post and Time). Your odds of being struck by lightning are 1 in 10 million (New York Times). Your odds of being killed by gunfire in the United States are 1 in 32,250 (New York Times)."

There are more mundane reasons for the lower costs, too, including cheap fuel costs and an overestimated demand, Quartz adds. Then, there's the economic fallout the continent is still experiencing after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. Hopper found that flights to the U.K. and Europe went down 10-15% immediately after the Brexit vote. This also means that once you get overseas, the dollar is pretty strong against the Euro, at $1.10 to 1 euro (per Google) at the time of publication.

The market always aims to correct itself, though. If you're making travel plans, book your flights before airlines cut back on flights and restore the equilibrium of supply and demand.

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Why You're Instructed To Put Oxygen Masks On Yourself First

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Kristen Bell Shares Wedding Photos & We Can't Believe Her Dress


It's been almost three years since Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard got married, and, in a total Bey-and-Jay move, the couple is just now sharing the wedding photos.

During a feature with CBS' Sunday Morning, Bell teared up while talking about her family and how Shepard's recovery from addiction has helped him become a "wonderful father." For good measure, she showed off a few snapshots from their October 2013 wedding ceremony for the very first time.

"We got married in a tiny room in the Beverly Hills courthouse and it was still one of the best days of my life," the actress revealed.

The two kept their nuptials somewhat casual. While Shepard wore a suit, Bell, who had welcomed daughter Lincoln just seven months before, donned a black top and matching trousers with a metallic statement necklace. No Vera Wang necessary.

"I always think, If I'm on my deathbed, what am I gonna be thinking about? " the mother of two also said in the interview. "And it won't be some random movie I participated in or some TV show. It will be my family."

So sweet. Watch the interview, below.

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Tom Hiddleston Says Hiddleswift Is "Authentic"

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Use This App & Help Bust Sex Traffickers


A new app is finally putting your vacation hotel-room photos to good use.

TraffickCam, an app available for both iOS and Android, was developed by the Exchange Initiative. The organization's goal is to fight sex trafficking. Now, everyday people can help fight sex traffickers by simply taking a photo.

All users have to do is upload pictures of their hotel rooms. Using those photos, TraffickCam is able to create a crowdsourced national database of photos showing the insides of hotel rooms. Those photos help law enforcement match images posted by sex traffickers to real locations.

The app launched in June, but already has more than 50,000 downloads. Each day, an estimated 1,700 new photos are uploaded to the database, reports Techly.

According to TechCrunch, the app details features such as patterns in the carpeting, furniture, and window views. Those details can be analyzed to help law enforcement.

According to the app’s creators, testing shows that the app is 85% accurate in identifying the correct hotel in the top 20 matches.

Not only does the app help bust real-life sex traffickers, it also raises awareness about sex trafficking in the U.S.

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The Best Costumes At San Diego Comic-Con


It's that time of year again: Comic-Con is here! That means celebrities, superhero movie trailers, and movie announcements. But it's also the time for cosplay.

Fans finally get a chance to display their affection and admiration for some of the most famous characters in sci-fi, gaming, and the DC and Marvel universes. And when the costumes are done really well, you can't help but stare.

We're talking about the fans who go all out. The fans who make your favorite hero look like they're there in the flesh. The ones who nail the makeup and accessories. The ones that make you consider taking up cosplay.

Ahead, we rounded up some of the coolest costumes from this year's San Diego Comic-Con. Click through and see who nailed the con this year.

Oh, hey there, Harley Quinn! All ready for her Suicide Squad posse!

Photo: Araya Diaz/GC Images.

Is he here to protect these Disney princesses from the fans or is he really here to protect us from Elsa?

Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images.

She nailed the Arya Stark look with those contact lenses!

Photo: Quinn P. Smith/Getty Images.

Walking Dead, anyone?

Photo: Daniel Knighton/FilmMagic.

The Joker wants to "Make America Ha! Ha! Ha! Again" — which means he's probably a Trump supporter.

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

You're not the real Buddy the elf! You sit on a throne of lies!

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

When your Game of Thrones squad is too fly for Westeros.

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

The thing about Nightcrawler is one minute he's here and then next — poof! He's gone!

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

Sorry, Harley. We don't know where Mr. J went off to. Go bother Batman. He always knows.

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

When you want to take the Iron Throne with you everywhere you go.

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

Okay, who invited a White Walker to Comic-Con?

Photo: Daniel Knighton/FilmMagic.

When you're literally slaying.

Photo: Daniel Knighton/FilmMagic.

The greatest love of all: Mr. and Ms. Pac-Man.

Photo: Frazer Harrison/Getty Images.

Rick, get Judith away from that zombie!

Photo: Phillip Faraone/Getty Images.

The force is strong with this family, especially with that cute little BB-8.

Photo: Araya Diaz/GC Images.

I pity the poor, unfortunate soul who stumbles upon this Disney villain.

Photo: Vivien Killilea/Getty Images.

Can someone give me Storm's core workout, STAT?

Photo: Matt Cowan/Getty Images.

When there's a Zelda out there for everybody.

Photo: Daniel Knighton/FilmMagic.

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Tom Hiddleston Says Hiddleswift Is "Authentic"

This New Lindsay Lohan Story Is Truly Disturbing

Jennifer Aniston Gets Emotional Talking About Her Self-Doubt

Why You're Instructed To Put Oxygen Masks On Yourself First


You know the in-flight safety spiel so well that you could probably rattle off the instructions by memory. But have you ever wondered why flight attendants are so careful to hammer this information into our brain? And more importantly, what might happen if you didn't follow it to the letter?

YouTube channel SmarterEveryDay put this to the test. A new video, featured on Sploid, questions the logic behind that direction we're all used to hearing on every flight: "In the event of emergency, put your oxygen mask on first."

Thanks to NASA, researcher Destin was able to see for himself how vital it is to actually follow that instruction. The experience of being in a depressurized airplane cabin was replicated for his benefit (and/or terror), triggering hypoxia-like symptoms that left him weak, disoriented, and unable to help save himself. Passengers have just seconds to put on their oxygen masks before oxygen-saturation levels drop to a perilous point.

By helping others first, or ignoring the mask altogether, a person will begin to lose his or her ability to recognize faces and shapes, and eventually pass out. Hence, the flight-safety demo that reminds passengers over and over to take care of their own mask right away.

Watch the video, below, and wise up: Your flight crew isn't messing around.

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Now's The Time To Book A Cheap Flight To Europe

Watch Anna Faris Being Hilarious In This (Real) Flight Safety Video

Now There's Motorized Luggage You Can Ride Around The Airport

"A Dark Crate" Is Really Dark In The Night Of Part 3


The cat! The inmates! The lawyer!

The plot shifts and clues this week were fairly subtle, leaving many questions unanswered. I keep running through seemingly brief moments that I just can't get out of my head.

In "A Dark Crate," we see Naz (try to) settle into Riker's Island, observe the domino-effect of his arrest on his family, and revisit the crime scene with attorney John Stone.

As I said last week, this is a slow-moving show, meant to be an eight-part movie, so instead of summarizing the play-by-plays of each hour-long episode, we're plotting out all the new clues, suspects, and reemerging information.

So, follow along every week for a collective brainstorm.

We're also posting all our crazy theories here (and some that you guys submitted!)

Spoilers ahead.

New Suspects

We finally got to meet Michael K. Williams' character, Fred E. Night, a.k.a. Freddy. A former boxing champion, his nickname was "The King of Queens," according to a fictional cover of The New York Post he hung in his prison cell.

It's clear that Freddy ruled more than just the boxing ring. He was in charge of the streets, as well. After an arrest for armed robbery and possession of crack cocaine, he has made himself at home in the creaky corridors of Rikers. Where Freddy goes, he is feared and respected. He has the security guards under his thumb and is sleeping with the main female officer of their unit. It's clear to Naz after only brief encounters with the jailhouse celebrity that the guards aren't in charge — this is Freddy's prison.

Naz is smart enough to know that he won't survive prison without cozying up to Freddy, but what will that mean? Why is Freddy so interested in Naz? (He gives him a pair of shoes "for traction.") Obviously, Freddy himself could not have killed Andrea Cornish, but it wouldn't be that shocking if he knew the person who did.

As he mentions during a conversation with Naz in his spacious cell filled with phones, drugs, and leather-bound books (literally), he knows and controls a lot of people on the streets. His comments seem weighty. Could he perhaps know any of the men that Naz ran into while he was with Andrea before the murder? Next week, Naz will have to decide if he wants to play Freddy's games or not. In the good man's own words, “Nasir, do you want my protection? Or do you prefer dead in the shower with your brains bashed in and guts on the floor? It’s up to you.”

While I don't think Naz's father's friends, the other owners of the cab, are responsible for Andrea's death, I do believe they are about to play a major role in making things worse for Naz. They're definitely going to throw a wrench in this already-wonky justice system. They are desperate to get that cab back.

I still believe Andrea's stepdad, Don Taylor, is a suspect. He stands calmly and quietly next to Detective Box while they read out the charges against Naz in a live broadcast. Thry describe the crime as "sexual in nature" and quickly identifying Naz as "Muslim." Does Taylor not need an alibi? Why did he lie about recognizing Andrea's body? He says he lives in Queens — does he know Freddy?

Debunked Theories

Unless this cat is the most street-savvy feline in all of Manhattan, there's no way it was the same cat that we saw in the final scene of episode 1. There's a theory brewing that if Naz's brother is involved, he could be the one transporting the cat back and forth, but that has basically been debunked, because he doesn't have access to a car. And he'd be the world's worst brother.

I do feel like the cat will still come into play by contributing some evidence. When Stone tries to drop the cat off at the animal shelter, he clearly has a feeling that the cat is important. He asks the attendant, "How long do you keep them before you kill them?"

The kids answers, "10 days."

Let's hope Stone, who is allergic, gets some Benadryl and goes back for that cat.

Also, the grim reaper hearse guy was creepy, but I don't see him popping up again as a potential suspect. If anything, I think he will be brought in as a witness.


Naz's new lawyer, Alison Crowe, seems shady AF. She clearly has an ulterior motive.

Exibit A: She threatened one of the female journalists when we first met her and recruited a random employee (Chandra) to make her seem more legitimate when meeting the family.

Exhibit B: She doesn't need to be rich, as she said, she just needs to get into the papers and onto the nightly news.

Naz tells Stone that his family hired Crowe and that his services will no longer be necessary. It's a hard scene to watch, especially since moments before we saw Stone buying clothes for Naz. He may not be taken seriously by his peers (Crowe describes him as a "precinct crawler" and "barely a lawyer"), but he really seems to care about Naz and the case. I doubt we've seen the last of him.

Recurring Things To Think About

The back door to Andrea's brownstone was TOTALLY still open from the crime. Was anyone else frustrated that Stone didn't seem to notice that when he went to let the cat in? He is also the only one to see the door. Now that he isn't on the case anymore, will the information go unnoticed?

All this talk about how much lawyers cost, and how little money the Khans actually have access to, seems like it could play a vital role in the prosecution. The fact that Andrea was wealthy will probably be used against Naz.

The eczema emerges again! Stone visits a dermatologist and, to his dismay, is told to apply Crisco and wrap his feet in Saran wrap. In addition, we find out that Stone is even in a support group for others suffering from intense cases of eczema. The other men in the group are struggling with dating and even leaving the house. Stone seems to have it better, which puts things into an interesting perspective.

Also, who was taking those pictures of Naz's father in Jackson Heights? Did Andrea's stepfather hire a private investigator on his own?

Tell us what you thought of the episode, below!

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Jennifer Aniston Gets Emotional Talking About Her Self-Doubt


Don't you love it when Jennifer Aniston gets real?

It's only been a few weeks since the actress penned an essay for The Huffington Post denouncing the scrutiny women face over their bodies, as well as their marital and maternal status, in determining their value. Aniston opened up once more at the Giffoni Film Fest in Italy this weekend.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Aniston was on hand to receive a lifetime achievement award at the festival designed for children and teens. The former Friends star fielded questions from young people in the audience, including a particularly poignant one that brought her to tears. One girl asked if Aniston ever woke up in the morning not knowing who she was.

“There are not enough fingers and toes in this entire room to count how many times that moment has happened to me,” Aniston replied, visibly becoming emotional. “We’re all human beings at the end of the day, whether we’re a waitress or a baker or a student or whatever we are, at the end of the day you kind of hit walls and think, I kind of can’t go any farther. Or this is too much. My heart can’t take it or the pain is too great, or am I good enough? Will I survive? And you just have to sort of somehow miraculously overcome. You just go, ‘I can’t, yes I can, yes you can.’

“And also know that your actors, your idols, your icons, whatever you call them, have all had that experience in their lives many, many times," she added. "There’s nothing that separates us from you, because we all started at the same place. We all came out of nowhere. Don’t punish yourself if you feel that. Go talk to people and seek help and always find something to inspire you.”

Aniston was reportedly seen wiping tears from her eyes as she spoke. Her Q&A session also touched on finding self-worth away from social media and selfies.

“I think we need to empower women to not just be about dresses and beauty and selfies," she shared. "We need to start having conversations and put our phones down and get out of social media, take social media breaks. That’s why we’re not seeing the right stories being told, because everyone is stuck in their phones.”

No argument here. Now, anyone else planning to get "I can’t, yes I can, yes you can" embroidered on a decorative pillow?

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

Tom Hiddleston Says Hiddleswift Is "Authentic"

This New Lindsay Lohan Story Is Truly Disturbing

The Best Costumes At San Diego Comic-Con

8 Things You Need To Know This AM


1. World News: Suicide bombers attacked a protest march in Kabul, Afghanistan, leaving over 80 people dead and 231 wounded.

Thousands of members of Afghanistan’s Shia Hazara minority were marching in Kabul’s Deh Mazang square protesting the location of a new power line, which they said bypasses areas needing electricity, when an explosion ripped through the crowd. (Read More)

2. In-The-Know: Officials sanctioned Russian athletes, but stopped short of imposing a complete ban from the Olympic Games.

The decision came just 12 days before the August 5 opening of the games. The IOC rejected calls from the World Anti-Doping Agency, and dozens of other anti-doping bodies, to exclude the entire Russian Olympic team following allegations of state-sponsored cheating. (Time)

3. Major News: Debbie Wasserman Schultz said she will resign as the chairperson of the DNC at the end of the week.

“I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future,” Wasserman Schultz said in a statement released on Sunday. “I look forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory.” (Read More)

Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP Images.

4. ICYMI: Micheal Bloomberg endorses Hillary Clinton for president.

Bloomberg had weighed his own run for the presidency this election cycle, but decided not to. He was concerned that an independent campaign could benefit Donald Trump. (Read More)

5. Here At Home: Over 900 firefighters fought a fire that broke out in L.A.'s Santa Clarita Valley and spanned over 22,000 acres.

After years of drought, the fire, which is being referred to as the Sand Fire, spread quickly throughout the dry forest and 1,500 homes had to be evacuated. A dead body was found nearby, though the cause of death hasn't been confirmed. (Read More)

6. Talking Points: The WNBA withdrew its fines against players and teams that supported #BlackLivesMatter.

It started with players from the Minnesota Lynx. The players wore black warm-up shirts that read “Change Starts With Us: Justice & Accountability” on the front. On the back, the shirts had the names of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling alongside a Dallas Police Department emblem and Black Lives Matter logo. (Read More)

7. Real Talk: Airfares from the U.S. to Europe are at their lowest in three years — due to a fear of terrorism.

Flights from New York to Berlin, for instance, average $550 as of Sunday, down $100 from just last week. Flights to Barcelona are $540. The bad news is, obviously, that one of the factors making prices drop is the fear of terrorism. (Read More)

8. Must-See: The first official trailer for Wonder Woman, DC's first female-led superhero movie, hit Comic-Con.

What's it like to be Wonder Woman? That's the story that the makers of DC's first female-lead superhero movie try to tell in just over two minutes with the film's first trailer. We see her telling her origin story to Steve Trevor, played by Chris Pine. (Read More)

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Update: Debbie Wasserman Schultz To Resign From DNC

Micheal Bloomberg Endorses Hillary Clinton

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Two Dead In Florida Nightclub Shooting


Two people have been killed and as many as 17 have been wounded at a nightclub in Fort Myers, FL, the BBC reports.

The gunman opened fire at Club Blu, which was reportedly hosting a party for teenagers, at around 12.30 a.m., The Guardian reports. Victims have not yet been identified.

Lieutenant Jim Mulligan of Lee County Sheriff's Office confirmed that as many as 17 people have been wounded.

Three people have been arrested in connection with the shooting.

The attack comes just six weeks after 49 people were killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL.

This is a breaking news story which will be updated with more details as they emerge.

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This New Lindsay Lohan Story Is Truly Disturbing


Lindsay Lohan's relationship with Egor Tarabasov seems to be getting ugly.

Over the weekend, the former child star posted cryptic messages accusing her "fiancé" of cheating on her. Now, it seems that there is more to the story — and it's very troubling.

The Sun reports that police were called to Lohan's London home at 5 a.m. on Saturday morning. Neighbors called for help after waking up to a distraught Lohan screaming on the terrace of her luxury apartment in the upscale Knightsbridge area.

"Please please please," the actress shouts in footage captured by neighbors. "He just strangled me. He almost killed me. Everybody will know. Get out of my house."

Tarabasov was with Lohan on the terrace at the time.

"Do it," she told him. "I dare you again. You’re fucking crazy. You sick fuck. You need help. It’s my house. Get out of my house.

"I’m done," she added. "I don’t love you anymore. You tried to kill me. You’re a fucking psycho...we are finished."

"Egor, you’ve been strangling me constantly," she continued. "You can’t strangle a woman constantly and beat the shit out of her and think it’s okay. Everybody saw you touch me. It’s filmed. Get out! Get out."

By the time police arrived, however, the home was empty. Cops reportedly smashed through Lohan's door to find that the couple had already left. No arrests were made.

Lohan has yet to publicly comment on the disturbing incident. This morning she shared an Instagram paying tribute to Freaky Friday co-star Jamie Lee Curtis.

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Tom Hiddleston Says Hiddleswift Is "Authentic"

Jennifer Aniston Gets Emotional Talking About Her Self-Doubt

The Best Costumes At San Diego Comic-Con

Tom Hiddleston Says Hiddleswift Is "Authentic"

Photo: Michael Buckner/Variety/REX/Shutterstock.

Haters gonna hate (hate, hate, hate, hate), but Tom Hiddleston 's just gonna shake it off (shake it off).

The British actor once again defended his romance with Taylor Swift, during an appearance at San Diego Comic-Con to promote his new film, Kong: Skull Island. The press couldn't resist asking Hiddleston how it felt to be getting so much attention right now.

"I don't know, it comes down to being authentic," the actor told People. "Everything you do you have to make sure you truly believe in it, and as long as you know that, it doesn't matter what anyone else says about it because the nature of being a public figure is that everyone will have an opinion about anything you do, and as long as you know why you’ve done something and you've committed to it with authenticity, then you're okay."

Whatever you say, Tom. "Authentic" may not be the first word many would associate with the Hiddleswift relationship, but at least the guy is trying. He's already insisted that this isn't a publicity stunt, so what else can he do? Something tells us this unlikely pair isn't going away any time soon, even if it's only to save face.

Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?

This New Lindsay Lohan Story Is Truly Disturbing

Jennifer Aniston Gets Emotional Talking About Her Self-Doubt

The Best Costumes At San Diego Comic-Con

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